Chapter 9

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Maria pov
I had to start over. I needed to have the image of being a hero again. I stood on the top of a building in front of a busy street. I was going to jump. I had prepared for hours for this spell. When I would hit the ground the spell would protect me yet still create the illusion that I was dead.

I said the spell and climbed up to the ledge and looked down below. I looked out at the skyline and I closed my eyes and stepped off. I opened my eyes mid fall. I was feeling a sensation I loved, I resisted the temptation to catch myself. I looked at the close moving sidewalk.

I hit the sidewalk and lost consciousness.

Dick pov
I sat in the living room with the tv on. I was in Gotham visiting with my family. I had Justice in my lap while Jamie was playing with her doll on the floor. I looked up at the tv as The family ran in.

"Breaking News! Zodiac jumped off a building this morning. She died on impact." The reporter said.

I stood up And looked at Bruce. "We need to go." He said.

I gave Alfred Justin and Bruce and I left after suiting up.

We went to the coroners office and it was indeed Maria. I fell to my knees next to her body.

"No. no this isn't happening." I muttered.

"Nightwing." Bruce said.

"Why would she do this?" I yelled as I threw surgical utensils across the room.

"Would you like an autopsy?" The coroner asked.


"would you like her cremated?"

"No," I said. "I can't do that to her." I said as I stroked her face.

I laid across her chest and cried. Bruce came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"She had gone insane. It's a choice she made." Bruce said.

"But she wouldn't leave me and our children. Even while she was in Bel Rev. We still had her. Justice will never know his mother." I said.

I laid in bed, cocooned in the comforter. I hadn't felt like this since my parents died. I got up and I went to her dresser. I pulled one of her shirts out and then another.

Soon I had all her t shirts on the floor. I grabbed some and held them close. They smelled like her.

"Maria," I cried out.

I saw a scrapbook. I grabbed it and opened it. It had photos of us. So many photos of us through our entire relationship. Photos from the shows she did in college, photos of us on dates, her pregnant with Jamie and our wedding. I slammed the album shut then threw it across the room.

"Why Maria?" I asked as I slumped down and laid on the floor. "Why?" I cried.

I got up and went to the den. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured me a glass.

"I never saw you as one to drown your pain in alcohol." I turned and saw Bruce.

He was holding my son. I drank the whiskey.

"I've lost my wife." I Said as I looked at the glass.

"Oliver and I have been taking care of the funeral preparations for Zodiac. We're giving her the best that's to offer." Bruce said.

"Thank you," I said as I rubbed my face.

"Papa," Justice pointed.

"did he just say his first words?" I asked.

"I believe so," Bruce said.

"You should know after loosing a parent or both parents, Children need a parental role to help them get through the sorrow." Bruce brought Justice over to me and gave me him.

"Papa," Justice said.

I buried my face in his neck. He had no idea what was going on. He was so innocent. I wanted to protect him, unlike I did with Jamie. She saw too much of my life and she grew up too early.

A/n: hope you enjoy this chapter.

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