'Long' Day (RW)

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Those of you on google classroom know that I've asked if you wanted a side story(or more). Well have about the other thousand of you? Suggest if you want, but warning! The side story won't happen right away. I might actually just slip it into the story. I just won't tell ya when.


It's been a while since I went out in public as myself... but I don't know when Wade is going to leave.

"Hey Spidey! Watch'a thinkin' about? Me I hope!" I hear Wade ask as I walk into the living room. I smile at him.


"What do you mean no? I should be on your mind by now! Like I've been here since yesterday!"

{Exactly dip shit. Yesterday. Which means he knows next to zilch about our ugly ass}

Oh ouch. Gotta remind me of our self like that don't ya ass hat?

(Eh that's why we're here. Though Yellow doesn't have to be up front with it though)

{He ain't a child-}


{Yes. Physically. Anyway just to let you know Spidey just left}




Well that was easy. After Wade zoned out I had a chance to leave. 

Walking around I come across the arcade. A lot of people were here today? Huh must be an event. Speaking of event..with winter coming up just around the corner Ice skating will start being a thing.

Hm..I could invite Wade to go with me, but I would have to walk around in my Spidey suit..& I don't really want people to bug me then..maybe I'll have to hold off on that actually...

Having zoned out I accidentally walked into someone!

I go to talk, but realize I couldn't..instead I help the person up, & start signing in front of him, but he had no reaction...

"I hope I didn't just walk into another pole.." The guys says his voice a little on the rough side, but smooth..


Grabbing his hand I begin to sign into it hoping he at least learned it.

'Hey sorry for bumping into you! I would've said something, but heh I'm a mute! I'm Peter. Peter Parker! By the way what's your name?'

He's silent for a bit, but he answers me anyway.


"Matthew Michael Murdock. Just call me Matt. Your hands are too small to be a males, but your grip says otherwise. What's a young man like yourself doing out in the cold, & not at home? It's fall break, so I can understand why your not at school." I leave it off like that, but after saying such his grip seems to loosen up a bit..

'Ah..well you see as much as I want to be home right now I need to get out. Anyway I don't really have family..left that is. It's just me for now.' he signs. My shoulder lower a bit as if tension was revealed off of them.

"I'm sorry to have heard that...I'm to to be leaving is a rush, but I'm supposed to meet up with someone, & I can't be late this time again. Let's hope we meet up again soon. I would love to get to know you a bit more. Farewell for now Peter." I say as we separated.


Forgetting that Matt was blind I waved him goodbye, & began my walk to the park.


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