Chapter 1

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It was my cousin sister's wedding. There was so much of hustle all around the house. There were two days before the wedding parties started. It would be a week-long function; a typical indian wedding.

All weddings are probably just as stressful as this around the world. Even then, indian ones seem to be more stressful. There were a lot of formalities to be fulfilled , too many people gossiping and of course too many parties to dress up for.

Honestly , it was kinda getting me worried because apparently , I was the next victim (to get married ) . I still have have another year to complete my studies and then i would get married off.It was a thing, girls get married before guys. That didn't mean that all my aunts and grandaunts hadn't started looking for "my groom". I wanted to be as far as possible from aunts or else they will get my marrid then and there .

Even through all this stress, I made sure I looked the prettiest . After the bride of course , in every functions . Not because I wanted guys' attention just cause I was a diva!

The first party had started, the sangeeth ( one of the indian parties before the actual marriage ) . It was at the bride's house and the groom's family was also there . There were too many people to take care of . I had been up and down the stairs all day and even now i was going down the stairs when suddenly I tripped . Damn heels. And i fell on someone . He/ she caught me . I had no idea if the person was a he or she as I'd shut my eyes . When I felt the ground beneath my feet, I opened my eyes and looked up to find out who was the person that caught me from falling . It was a cute , good looking , hot , handsome guy. He looked at me and smirked....

A/N : Hey there, this is my first story. My friends liked it quite alot so I decided that I put it here. I hope you liked it, if you did then make sure to vote and comment. Also, suggestions are most welcomed. Thanks for reading!

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