Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Several Minutes Later

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         "I can't wait to see you, either, Glenn." Paige said happily into the phone. "Has it been that long?" she asked. She listened for a moment, and then warned. "Don't be surprised when you see me; I'm pregnant." She listened again, and then answered. "Eight and-a-half months...yeah, it is pretty incredible... My baby's father lives in Australia... No, he's trying to make it here for the birth, but he keeps hitting snags along the way with Immigration... Okay, I'll talk to you later, honey... I love you, too, Glenn. Bye." As Paige laid the phone back in its cradle, there was a knock at the door.

"Paige?" came Piper's voice. "Dinner's ready...are you hungry?" As Paige was about to answer, her stomach gave a sickening heave. "Behave yourself!" Paige whispered sharply to her unborn child. "Paige?" Piper called a second time. "Come on in, Piper." Paige answered, and then swallowed hard. "Are you okay, honey?" Piper asked, upon seeing the pain-filled expression on Paige's face. "I don't feel very well, Piper." Paige whimpered. She held her stomach as it wrenched painfully. "Is the baby making you sick?" Piper inquired, as she sat down beside Paige and draped a comforting arm across her youngest sister's shoulders.

As Paige nodded, she swallowed hard a second time and then replied. "I'm starving, but I'm afraid to eat... I don't want to embarrass myself and gross everyone out if my stomach revolts at the table."

"If you keep swallowing like that, sweetie, you're not going to have to worry about making it to the table... You'll be lucky to make it to the bathroom before you throw up." Piper cautioned. "Trust me on that one... When I was carrying Garrett, I embarrassed myself one night, all over poor Leo, because I was comfortable in his arms and didn't want to get out of bed." Off Paige's wrenching grimace of horror, Piper continued, saying. "It will be just the two of us and Garrett at the table; Phoebe's at work, and Leo had a whitelighter call. Everything will be okay, Paige; if you get sick, you get sick," she added with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'll put a bowl next to you if you should feel the need for it."

"Thanks for being so understanding, Piper." Paige replied as she blushed a deep pink. "I made chicken and vegetables." Piper announced. "I'll wait for you downstairs. You should probably head for the bathroom and wait, sweetheart," she added gently. "Okay, I'll see you downstairs." Paige gasped as she hoisted herself off of the bed and headed for the doorway, as quickly as she could. "Oh, honey." Piper said quietly as she heard the bathroom door slam shut a few seconds later, followed by the sound of Paige gagging. Piper could feel her heart breaking for Paige, but at the same time, she knew that there was really nothing she could do to help her sister. 'If she'd have wanted you there, she would have asked you to stay.' Piper said to herself. 'All you can do is go downstairs, and be there for Paige when it's over.' With a heavy feeling in her chest, Piper made her way down the staircase.

Halliwell Manor Dining Room- Several Minutes Later

"Feeling better, honey?" Piper asked as Paige entered the room. "Yes, Piper. Thanks for asking." Paige answered as she blushed again. "Now I'm starving."

"Been there, done that." Piper replied with a smile. "And instead of getting the t-shirt, I got him," she added as she tickled Garrett's foot. Paige giggled as Garrett let out a squeal of delight and then addressed her nephew. "Hi, peanut!" Paige cooed as she leaned down and kissed him. "Auntie Paige loves you very much, little guy."

"Dinner is served." Piper announced as she placed a pitcher of water on the table. "It looks wonderful, Piper!" Paige praised.

After several minutes of silence, Paige looked up from her plate and announced. "Glenn called me."

"Really?" Piper asked. "And what did he have to say for himself?"

"Well, he's going to be in San Francisco for a visit later this week, and I've asked him to stop by for a visit, after he gets settled in his hotel."

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