Halliwell Manor- Phoebe's Bedroom- Several Hours Later

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         Phoebe tossed and turned restlessly in her bed as a premonition came to her in her sleep. In it, she saw Glenn frozen in a thick layer of ice. Hard as she tried, she couldn't see the attacker in her premonition. 'Have to protect Glenn from the demon,' was the thought that crossed Phoebe's unconscious mind. 'He's our next innocent... I knew letting him stay here wasn't a good idea... He's going to get hurt!' Meanwhile, down the hall, Paige woke up beside Glenn, needing to use the bathroom. As she glanced over toward him, she saw Glenn floating in the air above the bed, still sound asleep. Paige released a blood-curdling scream, thinking they were under attack by a demon. Glenn landed on the bed with a loud thump, hitting hard enough to bounce up a few inches again.

As he came to, Garrett orbed into Paige's arms, sensing danger, and surrounding the three of them in his protective barrier. "What is it? What's wrong?" Piper shrieked as she came running, with Leo and Phoebe skidding in behind her. Piper panicked upon seeing Glenn and Paige's shadows on the wall, and with only the thought of a demon hurting her sister and child, Piper threw out her hands, releasing a powerful blast, which bounced off of Garrett's protective barrier. In addition to annihilating a lamp on Paige's bedside table, the blast also took out Leo, who saw it coming and was attempting to orb himself out of harms way.

His orbs were scattered across the floor, as Piper looked on in horror. Seconds later, Leo's body formed again, and he began to ream his wife out. "What the hell, Piper?!" He shouted. "Thank God I'm already dead! Otherwise, that would have killed me!"

"Yeah, what the hell?!" Paige echoed angrily. "That lamp was one of the last things I have to remind me of my parents!" she finished angrily as she clung to Glenn.

"I-I'm sorry." Piper stammered. "I'm sorry to both of you. I-I don't know what to say, how to explain myself. Paige, I woke up because I heard you scream, then I came in here to find Garrett protecting you, and I-I just panicked. I thought it was a demon, or a warlock or something equally heinous."

"So did I." Paige stated. "I woke up because I had to pee, and there was Glenn, floating next to me. That's why I screamed. Consider yourself lucky that I have to pee so badly, Piper; otherwise I'd orb you to Antarctica and leave you there." Paige finished as she hoisted herself off of her bed.

"Yeah, well consider yourself lucky that you're about to pop, Missy Paige," came Piper's retort. "Otherwise, I'd blast you to kingdom come! I warned you earlier about orbing my kid, and you didn't listen, obviously."

"He orbed in here on his own!" Paige shot back in her own defense, as Glenn nodded his head in agreement. "He was protecting me!" Paige finished as she walked past Piper, with Garrett in her arms. Garrett looked to his mother and offered her a wide grin.

"Gimme my kid!" Piper demanded of her baby sister. "Here, take him!" Paige snapped as she handed him over and waddled out of the room, with Glenn's arm around her waist. Garrett's gaze followed his Aunt Paige, and as the bathroom door slammed shut behind her and Glenn, he began to sob brokenheartedly. "What's wrong, little guy?" Piper asked as she looked down at her son. "He senses the tension, and he doesn't like it." Phoebe offered. "Listen, before Glenn and Paige come back, I have to talk to the two of you about something."

"What's wrong, Phoebe?" Leo asked, worry showing plainly in his green-blue eyes. "I had another premonition in my sleep." Phoebe announced. "What was it?" Piper asked, as her brown eyes grew wider with concern. "Well, I saw Glenn frozen in a thick layer of ice." Phoebe announced. "Was it a demon? A warlock? What?" Piper inquired rapidly. "Piper, I don't know!" Phoebe snapped frustratedly, as she covered her face briefly with her hands. "As it was about to get to the part where I would have seen the attacker, I woke up to the sound of Paige screaming bloody murder. Boy, she can scream, can't she?" Phoebe noted. "The horror movie people could use her, don't you think?"

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