Chapter 8. Before dinner ...

8.7K 54 3

Base Hereford. Herefordshire. England. 15:30 GMT.
Ela and Nurkanat have already approached the kitchen. There they saw two people. A large man and a woman. The man was clearly Russian, judging by his pants from Gorka 4 and a red T-shirt with the USSR coat of arms, and in a manner of speaking. A woman with short hair was a Spaniard, gave out the Spanish flag on the back of the T-shirt. They were discussing something vigorously, while the woman was trying to attach a bag of ice to the head of a man. At the approach of Ela and Nurkanat, they meet them.
Ela: Well, Elena? How is Alexander?
Elena: Well, the cone will be exactly ...
Nurkanat approaches them.
Alexander: Oppa ... And here's the culprit.
Alexander gets up from his chair and looks at Nurkanat from above.
Alexander: It can not be! Nurik ?!
Nurkanat gazes at Alexander's face.
Nurkanat: Senya? Come on!
Between Alexander and Nurkanat there is a strong male embrace.
Nurkanat: I do not believe it. How are you a big man?
Alexander: As usual. The old machine gun and the USSR national anthem. How about yourself?
Nurkanat: You know me perfectly ...
Alexander: Again troubles ...
Nurkanat: Forced service.
Elena takes ice from Alexander's head and passes his hand over his head.
Elena: Yes, it will be just a bump.
Alexander: Oh, I'm not competent ... get acquainted ...
Elena: Elena María Álvarez or Mira.
Nurkanat: Nurkanat ... And there is no callsign. Have not yet been issued.
They both shook hands.
Nurkanat: This is an excuse that I beat you, and called morons ...
Elena: Although you're right ... We lost to one person. And in reality, it would be worth our life. Is not it so, Alexander?
Alexander: Yes, my dear ...
Nurkanat: Senya, now what, Elena is your couple for the rest of your life?
Alexander: You could say that.
Alexander hugs Elena and kisses her cheek, and she kisses him.
Alexander: And Ela?
Alexander points to Ela, who was sitting in the phone.
Nurkanat: Senya, what are you doing?
Alexander: I should note that we met again. After how much?
Nurkanat: Like 20 years old?
Alexander: And hell, with that. Honey, take vodka and four piles.
Ela: I do not need to pour. I have another conversation with my sister. She will kill me if I come to her drunk.
Elena: Although stop. Doc called you. Alexander, we forgot ...
Alexander: That's fucked up ...
Nurcanat: What?
Elena: Urgently go upstairs.
Ela: Nurkanat, come on.
Ela and Nurkanat ran to the top, to the third floor. In the medical department, a man was sitting in a medical dressing gown, but under his robe there was a staff uniform, without body armor and armored elements. I had a bag of ice on my face.
Nurkanat: Called?
Doc: Yes, I called ...
The doctor lowered the ice from his face and approached Nurkanat.
Doc: Gustave Cateb, forces of the Gendarmerie.
Nurcanat: Nurkanat, mercenary.
They shook hands. The hand at Gustave was icy from the ice. And there was a bruise on his face.
Nurkanat: Who beat you so?
Gustave: You, young man ...
Nurkanat: Young?
Gustave looked at Nurkanat's face.
Gustave: Although yes, I made a mistake, I apologize ...
Nurkanat: Do you need something?
Gustave: Yes ...
Gustave takes a tablet with sheets from the table.
Gustave: ... you need to fill out several questionnaires and conduct a psychological survey. In general, this is not for me, but your actions for today forced me to work as a psychologist.
Ela: Okay, Nurkanat, I have to go to my sister's. We'll meet for supper.
Ela left, leaving Nurkanat with Gustave.
Gustave: To begin with, I need your blood, for the data ...
Gustav takes a syringe, alcohol and a cotton pad.
Gustave: Can you remove the bandage?
Nurkanat: Yes, yes ...
Nurkanat removes the bandage to the elbow. Gustave sees only a deified hand and does not find a vein.
Gustave: Show me the brush ...
Nurkanat shows a brush, but there is no vein.
Gustave: In that case, take the blood from your neck. Remove the bandage.
Nurkanat removes bandage from the neck. Gustave barely finds a vein on his neck, and gently takes dark blood. Nurkanat did not even shudder.
Gustave: All ...
Nurkanat: What is it?
Gustave: Taking the Blood. You did not feel anything?
Nurkanat: No, it's not.
Gustave: Then let's get to the poll.
Nurkanat bandages the parts of the body back. And the poll begins ...

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