Chapter 19- Start Of Something Big

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Previously on Why Me?/Play Song:

After a while she has to go so I sit on the couch looking at the ceiling. A few minutes later mom walks in with a black eye and a few scratches.

"Mom! What happened!?"


"It's nothing Y/N."

"It's obviously something if your home like that!"

"Y/N stop I'm fine!"

"You obviously are not fine! What the hell happened?"


"What about work?"

she sighs and sits down next to me. "I work for the goverment...I deal with this all the time. Normally I would hide it with makeup before you kids would see, but I wasnt able to today."

"Mom why didnt you tell us?"

"Because I couldnt risk you and your brother getting hurt..."

"Mom you cant keep doing this to yourself."

"I promise I wont. I cant."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Im pregnant. The people I work for told me I cant work for them anymore, so now im going to be here most of the time."

"Your Pregnant!? But I havent seen a guy here before."

"All for good reason."

"And what reason is that?"

"Its Travis' father Terri. He is not a good man."

"Does Travis know?"

"No, and I dont want him to."


"All his life hes seen his father only during the summer. Everytime he would come back he would be happy and get his hopes up. I dont want him to be exited over something he cant control."

"I get it."

"Please dont say anything to him."

"I wont lie to him if he asks."

"If he asks please tell him to come to me."


"Thanks N/N I really appriciate it."

"No problem mom"

She walks to her room and shuts the door. Shes pregnant!? And I cant tell Travis! Irene what do I do?

~Time Skip/ One week later~

Yessss! Finally I can move around! Im sitting in the docors office while Dr.Doctor talks to mom about how I still need to be careful. Ya Ya Ya be careful. I just wanna get out of here and go to D.A.N.C.E with Jamie. Jax got out of the hospital and is doing good. He has to be in a wheelchair for a while, but that was expected.

"Hey Y/N you ready to go?" Mom asks putting her purse over her shoulder.

"Hell ya! Lets goooo!"

"Y/N laungage."

"Sorry, Heck ya! Lets goooo! Better?"


"Bye Dr.Doctor thank you for everything!" I say standing up.

I start to walk, but am a bit wobbly at first. I grab onto moms arm as we walk out the door. We walk down the long corridors to the front of the hospital. The smell of hand sanatizer and bitter coffe flows through the air. This place is gross. I pick up the pace and so does mom before we reach the doors. Once we are both out we start to slow down and continue to walk to the car. It takes us about eight minutes to get to the car and get in.

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now