Chapter 28- Something

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"Ok Everyone! Please gather around!" Steven says from the center of the room.

Gene, Jamie, and I walk to the center of the room and sit down.

"Ok everyone today we have some new people joining D.A.N.C.E! We have Aphmau, Gene, Maria, Abby, Mike and Leo!" Everyone starts clapping. "Unfortunately for those who have not heard Jax will not be coming back for a while, so I have put his dance partner Jamie on teaching the new recruits! She will be teaching with the help of Garroth and Y/N! As for the rest of you, you all will be doing a dance that tells a story! Now get dressed and get to work!"

Everyone runs to the bathrooms to get changed. I get dressed in a simple white tank crop top, black leggings, and sneakers. I pull out the small brown bag that Soph gave me and put the makeup on my cuts to cover them up.

I walk out and meet the rest of the group on stage. I look at all the new comers.

Maria was short and had long black curly hair and brown eyes. She also had tan skin. Leo was about 5'9" with purple hair and one grey eye and one gold. Abby looked alot like Aphmau in a way she was a little shorter than Leo. She had short black hair, tan skin and dark eyes almost a raven like color. Mike looked alot like Garroth. He had short blond hair, Blue eyes, and was about 6 foot.

"Ok guys partner up with some one!" Jamie said to the small group.

"Leo your my partner!" Maria yelled to Leo with a accent.


"Want to be partners Abby?"

"Sure why not."

"Partners?" Gene asks holding my hand.

"No." I say flatly.

He looks taken aback. "What?"

"I'm kidding."

"Oh good for a second there I thought you would be dancing with Aphmau."

"Nah your better!"

"Garroth you want to be partners?" The potato asks.

"But of course! We agreed before we came remember?"

"Oh yeah that's right!"

"Ok everyone lets get into a position like this...." She puts her feet shoulder width apart.

We all copy her movement.

"Ok so stand like that while I say some weird shit."

"Profanity!" Maria yells.

"Sorry Weird....Stuff?" She questions. She looks at Maria who nods approvingly.

"Anyways... Dance is movement that tells a story. You have to listen to that beat to know what it is. For example, let's say we are dancing to this." She puts on ballet music. "You have to time the beat to get a swift motion perfect like this."

She goes on the tops of he toes and spins around a few times and then leaps, all to the beat of the music.

"Now that is a swift motion that doesn't look like more than one. Now what you will be learning here will be more of hip hop, acrobatics, and occasionally ballroom dancing. So for today we are going to learn the basics for hip hop." She stops for a breath.

Leo raises his hand. She nods her head as if to say go ahead. "Will there be break dancing?"


"Thank Irene!" He says with a sigh of relief.

"Anymore questions?" No one said anything. "Ok let's get started! So we are going to dance to this amazing song right here!" She puts of 'Cant Stop the feeling.

It starts up. "Ok everyone follow my lead! Garroth and Y/N help out the others that need help!"

Garroth and I go to the front and follow Jamie's lead. She moves to back and then forward and everyone follows.

So far no mess ups.


"You guys you ready?" Everyone nods and we get into position.

"Great work everyone! Exspecially Jamie Great work at teaching!" Steven congratulates.

"Thanks!" Jamie says with a smile.

"No Dance practice for the rest of the week don't forget!" Steven says to the rest of the group.

"We won't!" Layla says.

"It was nice having you join Gene." Steven says turning to Gene.

"Thanks it was fun!" Gene says shaking his hand.

"And it was nice meeting you Maria, Abby, Leo, Mike, and Aphmau." He says shaking Everyones hands. "Class dismissed go get changed!" Steven says to us.

Everyone runs into the designated changing rooms for their gender.

I quickly change and meet Jamie out side of the changing room. "Is Gene not out yet?" I ask her.

"Nope!" She says popping the 'P'. Just as she says that Gene walks out of the male dressing room.

"Ok we better get going before Katelyn blows her lid." I say walking towards the door.

We walk out together as a trickle of other dancers come out of the building. The cold air hits my face. I take a deep breath right as a car goes by. I start having a coughing fit.

"You ok?" Gene asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." I assure him.

"Come on slow pokes!" Jamie says running behind us and pushing us forwards. She soon gives up and walks beside us. Katelyn's car is just a few cars down.

"Of to Never Land!" Jamie yells running to Katelyn's car.

"Slow down Jamie!" I yell running behind her to the car.

~Genes POV~
(A/N You all bout to be some haters!)

"Of to Never Land!" Jamie yells running to Katelyn's car.

"Slow down Jamie!" Y/N yells running after the red head.

Oh sweet naive little Y/N you don't know what's going to happen to you. All I can say is watch your back!

"You coming Gene!?" Y/N yells from the car.

I put on a smile. "I'm coming!" I yell running over to her.

I get in the back of the car. Katelyn pulls out and starts to drive down the street. I get out my phone and text Zenix.

Z= Zenix G= Gene

G- Zenix

Z- Gene

G- Set the plan to motion

Z- On it

This should be interesting.

Here you go! I was able to get in this one, but I can't say the same for the others! Hope you all enjoyed!

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

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