Chapter 21- Nope

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I published this early this morning, but there where some technical difficulties with the song.

I sit next to Laurence. "What are we watching?" I ask leaning on the arm of the couch.

"We are watching 'Scream from the teens' (IDK if this is a real movie I just made up a title) It's this movie where these seniors in highschool get trapped in the school, and alot of scary shit happens." Dante says sitting next to Nichole.

"Sounds cliche." It really does, but cliche or not I hate horror movies.

"Welp let's start the movie!" Katelyn says putting in the disk.

"You can hold on to me if you get scared" Laurence whispers.

I turn and see him talking to Aphmau. "Oh thanks Laurence! I don't like scary movies."

"I could have guessed."

I look at the screen as the movie starts. I hold myself like I am giving myself a hug. When the movie starts there is imedietly a jump scare. I jump, so do the other girls. I continue watching the movie when someone comes up behind me and taps my shoulder I jump and scream. Everyone is laughing I turn to see Soph.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. You left this in my room." She hands me something wrapped up in a paper towel. I already know what it is and I quickly stuff it in my pocket.

I get up and walk over to her. "Can we talk real quick?" I ask.

"Ya follow me." We go up to her room and I sit next to her on the bed. "Why?"

"I'm an orphan, or more I was. I started before I was adopted because I was one of the oldest girls, and I wasn't adopted. I just did it to help the stress, and as it got more stressful I just kept doing it."

She looks at me. I can tell she's not mad or disappointed, but more aware?

She pulls up her sleeves. "I dont fit in. All my life I have lived in the shadows of my family. No one really knows who I am. I'm alone. I got over it though. You wanna know why?"


"Because I realized doing this to myself every day I was only torturing myself, and hurting the ones who cared about me. With the help of my brother I stopped. I know you can to."

A few tears fall down my face. "Thanks Soph."

"Hey what are friends for?"

"Heh well I should head down Travis will probably be worried."

"Ya go on down. And hey think about what I said ok?"

"I will."

"Good now YOU BETTER WORK IT PEPPERMINT!" She yells at the TV.

I giggle and walk downstairs. I sit back in my spot right as someone gets stabbed. Gah! I turn my head in the opposite direction of the TV.

As it gets further into the movie the creepier it gets. A girl named Thea walks around the corner and there stands the murder stabbing her friend Alan and hangs him up by his guts. That I wish I didn't see.

Thea sees and screams. Bad idea. She turns around and I jump when I see the guys partner in a clown mask. God I hate clowns.

I turn and see almost every girl asleep. Even Aphmau. How are they able to sleep during this? The only girls awake are me, Katelyn, and Soph. Soph had come and sat on Garroth's lap.

Someone gets 'suprised' with balloons and a note that says 'Scream Teen💀' they turn around to the balloons and they all blow up. I jump.

Laurence grabs me and pulls me close, careful not to wake up Aphmau. There are a few more jump scares. Then when the movie ends it turns out the 'killers' where actors and everyone was acting to prank Thea and Ryan.

For a horror movie this one was not that bad. (*) I look up and see Laurence is asleep. I look around and see only me and Soph are awake.

"You wanna go sleep in my room?" Soph whispers from Garroth's lap.

"Yeah let's go." I whisper back.

I carefully get up and walk past Everyone up the stairs to Sophs room.

She hands me a small blanket and pillow. She pulls out a small matress out from under her bead.

"Here you can sleep on this."


"No problem. You want me to put on a Disney movie or something to get our minds off of the movie?"

"Yes please!"

She laughs and turns on her TV. She goes to Netflix. "Ok Beauty and The Beast, Geek Charming, or Lemonade Mouth?"

"Lemonade Mouth."

"Good choice!" She turns on the movie and we start to watch before I slowly fall asleep.

~Time Skip/ Play Song~

I wake up to someone falling on me.

"Gahhh!!" The culprit yells.

I open my eyes and see Soph. "Are you ok!?"

"Yup just forgot you where there." She says getting up.

"What time is it?"

She checks the watch on her wrist. "9:56"

"Ugh. Do I have to get up?"

"Yes. Here if you are feeling antisocial we can go on the roof."

"I like that idea!"

"I thought you would! Follow Me!" She opens her window and crawls out.

I follow behind her. We are on a lip of the roof. I follow her as she climbs up to the top of the house. She sits down and I sit next to her. I look out at the world.

I see houses lined up and down the street. I can also see the park from here. I see the SKs. I look down at the front of the house and see Laurence and Garroth Arguing.

"We both said we would let her decide!"

"We are I'm just trying to help her make the right decision!"

"By trying to get with her!?"

"What can I say! Have you seen Aph?"

"Yes and that's why I want you to back off!"

"Not unless you do!"

"Fine we both stay back!"

"Fine! We'll let her decide!"

Aphmau walks out of the house to the boys. "Oh hey Aph!" Laurence says pushing Garroth out of the way.

Garroth pushes Laurence back. "Hey Aphmau."

She giggles. "Hi Laurence, hi Garroth."

"Ha she said my name first!"

"She said mine last. She saved the best for last!"

"You guys I'm standing right here!"

"Sorry Aph." Laurence says.

"I'm heading out I'll see you all later. Bye Y/N! Bye Soph!" She yells waving at us from the roof.

I wave back. I get up and walk down the roof to face the backyard.

"Hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Soph says sitting next to me.


Not alot of drama, but it's building up! What do you think will happen with Aphmau? Do you think you and Soph will be BFFs?

(*) Ok being honest I have never seen a horror movie, so the whole movie was me trying to be scary...sorry if it was off. The scariest movie I have watched would probably be like Jaws or Tremors... Netflix Horror Movie Marathon Here I Come!

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