Final Q&A

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The cast has left us to live their life, but not to worry! Book 2 will be out VERY soon! With the full cast taking place 8 years in the future!

Look for it on my profile or look up "The Reason Why." To see the charecters in their joirney ahead!

This story was a blast to write, and I'm so glad its doing well! Thank you all for the support! I love writing stories, and this one happens to be my favorite!

Here is a little bit about me.

My name is Talia~Lynn Ratio. My middle name I have most likley said somewhere, oops, but I will not share that. (Even though you won't find me on the internet like anywhere, better safe than sorry.) Lynn is my hyphenated first name. Weird right? I only realy use Talia, but sometimes I'll go by Talia~Lynn, TL, or T.

I am an age where I should be writing my history report rather than fanfiction, but who cares. (My parents...)

My face will never be revealed unless I get a book professionally published, but I will tell you one of the charecters in the book is pretty much me with a diffrent name.

I started writing fanfiction about 3 years ago. I STILL have the cringy first Aphmau fanfiction...

I started writing on here because of the Aphmau community, and a way to get my mind off of a friend passing away.

I joined the Aphmau community during season 2 of Mystreet and have been here since.

I love writing and always have. Writing is one of my three favorite hobbies, writing, gaming, and creating.

I hope you enjoyed this little insight into my life. I think it's cool to learn about an author that writes books you read. (Maybe you read them maybe you dont.)

Anyway.  I asked you guys to ask me questions! I have gotten a few questions from people who would like to remain anonymous, and a few who don't  care.

So onwards!

The first question is for me from Katelin_Magcon07

She asks 'Would you ever.... like Magcon?'

Well I have heard very few of what Magcon is. I know Shawn Mendes is/was in it so I have to say that I'm not sure. I would probably have to research further into it.

The next one is from a PM from CrazyTrainSisters

They ask 'What are your thoughts on Season 6?'

This question kills me! I love the series so much, but it is soooo heart breaking!

The next question is a secret PM.

They ask 'Are all the OCs based off of your friends irl?'

Um some of them. I have charecters that represent many of my friends and family. Some OCs are from people who read the stories.

We have another secret PM.

'Who is your favorite LaurencexReader writer.'

You're putting me in a bad place here. Um I'm going to be that one person that says I love all the Laurence x Reader authors. So much that I would HATE to break up friendships on here.

We have yet another secret PM.

'Why is the storyline the way it is?'

Great question! I have a weird obbsesion with writing stories with many diffrent aspects to them. Alot of my own feelings I incorporate into the book. And with the storyline It kinda came from a weird side of my brain. I wrote the first chapter and immediately went 'I know how this is going to be!'

Thats the last of the Q&A! If you have questions you want awnsered I will awnser them for you!

I want to give a one last thank you to all of you for reading this, and being there. It means alot, and I couldnt have done it without you!

Thank you all sooooo much!

Until then Weirdos!


Officially completing 'Why Me?'

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now