41 | Real Life

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Blanca and Tom stood at the base of the rock wall, being strapped in to make sure the pair were safe.

"I know I agreed to this but I regret it immediately." Blanca said, messing with the chalk that covered her hands.

Tom looked over at her, "You're gonna do fine B."

"No I know that," Blanca shook her head, "but you're gonna be better than me, and I'm way too competitive to let that happen."

"How do you know I'm gonna be better than you?" Tom smirked.

"Don't try to be cute right now, this is serious. You fucking climb walls as part of your job, this is a piece of cake for you."

"You realize that's a movie right?" Blanca shot him a look. "I don't actually climb walls in my spare time."

"Shut up spider boy."

Tom laughed, "Nice come back."

"Thank you, I'm the epitome of wit." Blanca snapped back, pretending to flip her hair back.

"We should probably start climbing."

"I swear if you let me win Tom Holland I will leave you here with no remorse."

"I promise to never let you win Blanca Perez." Blanca looked over at Tom and smiled, both of them keeping eye contact for what could have been forever. Tom opened his mouth to speak, but Blanca was quicker than he thought she would be. She had already reached up and was climbing. "For fucks sake."


"That last one was too close to tell," Tom argued, "it easily could have been either one of us."

Blanca rolled her eyes at him from the other side of the Shake Shack booth, "I definitely won that one. Which means you only beat me four times. Dique you're Spider-Man."

"I am Spider-Man though." Tom said, picking up one of their shared cheese fries. "What exactly does dique mean?"

"Your accent is adorable by the way," Blanca laughed. "It translates to 'say that' technically. It's kind of a mocking thing, in the sense that I used it."

"Where exactly in Mexico are your parents from?"

"I would have thought you knew that since you love watching my videos. Both of them are from Monterrey. They actually didn't move here until right before I was born. Literally the week before." Blanca explained.

"In my defense, you have over 1,000 videos. That's too many to watch." Tom sipped the last of his soda from his cup, and stood up to put it in the trash right behind him along with the rest of their trash.

"If you actually liked me, you would do it." Blanca smiled.

"For you, anything." Tom held his hand out as Blanca tried her best to not blush as she took it.

She definitely wasn't the bad bitch she thought she was.

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