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Abigail [Manager Abbi👑]
Blanca [Snow White❄️]

Manager Abbi👑
Hello beautiful 💕

Snow White❄️
How's it going?
I hear it's wonderful in California

Manager Abbi👑
Hello beautiful by the Jonas Brothers

Snow White❄️
Wow, I'm impressed

Manager Abbi👑
I'm impressive
Also you got a really exciting invite today

Snow White❄️
Ooo intrigue
To where

Manager Abbi👑
To the premiere of Avengers Infinity War

Snow White❄️
As in to host again?

Manager Abbi👑
No, not to host
To attend the premiere as a guest

Snow White❄️
You mean to tell me they want my awkward ass to walk the red carpet?
What the hell
Are you serious?

Manager Abbi👑
Yes I am
Get ready girly 😘

Snow White❄️
Oh my gosh
I'm going to be at the Infinity War premiere

Manager Abbi👑
You have a week
So you might want to go shopping soon
And see if Tom wants to be your date

Snow White❄️
I think I'll fly solo
Going with Tom is a hell of a lot of pressure

Manager Abbi👑
I'll confirm the invitation for you

Snow White❄️
Thank you 😘

Manager Abbi👑


Look who's going to the Infinity War premiere ;)

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