The Page of a Fathers Journal

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Charlie, Brighton, and Ayden flew through a tunnel of light and time.  They saw different flashbacks from their grandparents and great aunts lives.  The light grew brighter as they reached the end of the tunnel.  They all closed their eyes and they landed in an empty park in a pile of dirt and flowers.

"Whoa, I didn't expect that."  Brighton said and stood up and brushed the flower petals and dirt off himself. Ayden and Charlie did the same.  Charlie saw the Eiffel Tower figurine, the unicorn hair and the elf empire leaf on the ground.  She picked them up and put them in her bag.

"So Charlie, where are we?" Ayden said.

"We're in the past. I think we might be in California."  Charlie said.  "So the mission is, we have to get grandpa's dads journal so we can create a spell to save the Fairytale world."

"This is going to make a great story for Grandpa to write when we get home."  Brighton said.  "So where's this journal."

"I'm not so sure."

"What!?" The boys said.

"You don't know where it is!" Brighton said.

"I guess the plan is to just find grandpa and great aunt Alex and ask them."

"What are we going to say when we find them? Hi we're your grandchildren from the future and we need your dads journal to save the Fairytale world." Brighton said.

"Brighton's kind of right Charlie." Ayden said. "In this time do they even know about the Fairytale world?"

"If grandpa's real life is just like his books, I don't think they know about the Fairytale world yet. His books mostly took place in the Fairytale world, but during the first book they were in the Otherworld at the beginning. Plus the Eiffel Tower was from their 12th birthday. That birthday starts out the series." Charlie said. "Guys look who's coming."

Charlie pointed to a girl running towards them on the street. She had strawberry blond hair with a headband, and wore a pink t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans and sneakers.

"That could be Aunt Alex. They kind of look alike. Let's follow her." Charlie said.

"Ok, because that's not creepy at all." Brighton said.

"Well it's the only ideas we have. Let's go." Charlie said. The kids quietly followed closely behind the girl and they followed her to a little house. She opened the door and ran inside.

"ALEX!" They heard a voice say behind them. The group turned around and saw a boy with strawberry blond hair and he wore a blue shirt with blue jeans, and sneakers.

"Hey dude, what's wrong?" Brighton asked and stopped him.

"Nothing I'm just trying to catch up to my sister." The boy said and ran into his house and closed the door behind him.

"That must be Grandpa." Ayden said. "So how are we going to do this?"

"This must be the part of the story where they fall into the book and end up in the Fairytale world." Charlie said. "But how are we going to get into the house?"

"We could just pic the lock." Ayden said. Brighton and Charlie looked at Ayden like he was crazy.

"What? Just a thought, I saw it in a movie. That may be the only way."

"True, let's go try." Brighton said. They all ran to the front door, and tried to open it. It opened.

"Well that was easy." Ayden said.  They walked in and saw many pictures of the twins and their parents.  They soon heard noises coming from upstairs.

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