Volume 2

398 10 13

Brighton and Charlie walked down the stairs of Rapunzels tower. Brighton carefully peeked out the door to make sure no one was there and opened the door fully and they walked outside.

"Our parents must be worried sick about us," Charlie said. "We've been hiding way too long, and who knows what's happened to Ayden."

"Yeah, we've really got to hurry. We can't waste time anymore and I wonder where Aiden went. We don't even know where we are." Brighton said.

"Do you hear that?" Charlie said. "It sounds like a horse galloping."

"Quick behind the tree," Brighton said and pushed Charlie behind one of the trees. A beige colored horse and a women with long curly blonde hair rode into the clearing. She wore black leggings, knee-high black boots, and a maroon-colored sweater. She looked at a piece of paper that was posted on a tree and pulled it off and ripped it into shreds.

"Maybe she can help us," Charlie said and walked out from behind the tree before Brighton could grab her. "Excuse me miss?"

The woman turned her head in Charlie's direction and quickly put her hand over her sword. She was ready to pull it out at any second.

"Can I help you?"  She asked.

"We were wondering if you've seen our cousin.  We were being chased by the wolves and we lost him."  Charlie said.

"Oh, then say goodbye to your cousin.  The wolves probably are digesting him as we speak."

"What?"  Charlie yelled.

"Shhh!"  The woman said and placed her hand over Charlie's mouth.  "These are dangerous woods, you have to be very quiet."

"I don't believe my cousin is dead.  Are you sure you haven't seen a little boy?  Or is there any place where he could hide?"  Charlie asked.

"Well, there's a cave near here that he may be hiding in.  It's just between these trees.  Just go straight."  The woman said.  "Just beware of the witches.  Some of them like the taste of children."

"We will, thank you so much.  What's your name?"  Brighton asked as he walked out from behind the tree and next to Charlie.

"You guys don't know who I am?"

"No."  Charlie and Brighton said in unison.

"Then I won't tell you.  You may reveal where I am to people."  She said and rode off into the woods.

"She's strange,"  Brighton said.

"Let's go find Ayden,"  Charlie said. 

Charlie and Brighton walked into the forest and found a cave opening.  Surrounding the cave, were plants and one of the bushes was covered in blood.

"Charlie look at this bush,"  Brighton said.  "You don't think it's...Ayden do you?"

"I pray it's not.  I would never forgive myself if anything happened to him.  Plus I don't know how we'll tell uncle Matt."  Charlie said.  Brighton picked up a long stick and held it tightly as he was ready to strike anyone in that cave.

"Follow closely,"  Brighton said.

"What are you going to do with that stick?  Whack them with it?"  Charlie asked.

"Yes,"  Brighton said and rolled his eyes.  They slowly walked in and they heard silent sobs that echoed throughout the cave.  Brighton jumped and let go of the stick and ran behind Charlie for protection.

"Oh, my hero,"  Charlie said. They walked deeper into the cave and found the source of the cries.  Aiden was sitting up against the cave wall sobbing.

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