Day Nine

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It had been a week since my encounter with Pauls friends. Me and Loui talk like civilised human beings, he is really funny so it instantly calmed my nerves every time Im around them. At least I dont have to worry about looking stupid in front of them.

I can safely inform that no progress has been made with mystery man Luke. He still hangs out with us, but there seems to be something off with the way he is towards me. Ive notice how he opens up with everyone else in the group, however he seems to avoid me as if I were carrying the Plague. I know Im new to the group, but everyone else has managed to give me a warm welcome and make me feel part pf it all, he on the other hand doesnt seem to give a rats arse of my existence, and it was really starting to piss me off.

We were all sat on a large field surrounded by tall, full trees. With is being towards the end of summer, the sun was blazing in the sky and a slight breeze kept us from burning from the heat. I was wearing shorts and a long, oversized band t-shirt, finished off with my converse (of course). Luke was sat talking to Paul on the other side of the group circle we had formed. I stood up and made my way over to them, sitting in between them as if to make my presence know. Try ignoring me now I thought to myself.

'Hey guys, what you chatting about?'. Paul looked at me cautiously while Luke just put his head down.

'Oh hey, we werent really talking about anything, just some band that is going to be playing in Town soon, want to go?' he asked while wrapping his arm around my waist. For a moment, I thought I saw Lukes eyes narrow and glare at Pauls hand resting on my hip, but then his face changed back to his emotionless expression quicker than I could blink.

'What band is playing?' I directed this at Luke, hoping he would take the bait and actually start a normal conversation with me. However, the voice that responded wasnt the one I had hoped for.

'Oh, just some local band. It should be a good night, you could come back to my place afterwards as well if you wanted?'

There it is again, Lukes face changed to an expression I could only describe as disgust. I knew I wasnt seeing things, but once again it changed back in the blink of an eye. I decided to test my theory.

'Yeah baby, that sounds great!' I winked at him and leaned in for a kiss. With that Luke got up and walked to the other side of the group circle, putting his headphones in but trying to pretend that he was interested in the conversation others were having.

I gave Paul a worried look, but he just shrugged and turned to talk to someone else. I glanced at Luke, not understanding what his problem was. I really wanted to find out. Had I upset him? Was it something to do with mine and Pauls relationship? Or was he just really against PDA? Whatever is was, I was going to find out sooner or later, I like to see myself as a nice person, so when someone takes a disliking to me without a valid reason, it hits me harder than it should. Especially someone like Luke.

The sun was setting and slowly but surely people started leaving the field as the night grew colder. I wrapped my arms around myself and decided that it was also time for me to get going. I stood up and Paul looked at me with almost guilty eyes.

'Hey, I know that I said I would walk you home but a few of us are heading over to the skate park before it gets too dark. You dont mind do you?'

I was a little disappointed and gave him an 'are you serious?' look. He shrugged and pulled me away from the rest of the group.

'Im sorry okay? But by the time I walk you home and then walk back to the skate park it will be dark and everyone will have fucked off. Cant you just walk home by yourself this one time?' He looked annoyed and honestly I was shocked. Paul had always walked me home, without me even asking. It was a nice chance for us to talk on our own after spending all dy with our friends. Although it wasnt that big of a deal me walking home on my own, it still upset me that he would just shrug our little ritual off so easily, especially with him showing almost no sympathy about it. For a moment, he doesnt even look like the same boy I was with a few minutes ago.

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