Day Twelve

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The weekend was here. Finally! And what comes with the weekend? Thats right! Party time!

As per usual I was looking at myself in the mirror, judging how my outfit, which had looked so perfect in my head, just did not look right in real life. Cursing my body under my breath and I walked out of the bathroom. There I found Paul sat on my bed, scrolling through his phone.

'Finally! Can we go now?' Things were still a bit off between us since our argument on the field a few days ago, but I just shrugged off the feeling and carried on like normal.

'I dont like this. It makes me look weird' I stated turning around for him to get the full view of my outfit. I was wearing a burgundy, long sleeves, slightly see-through blouse (with a vest top underneath obviously!) with a black pencil skirt, stopping just short of my knee. Then to finish it all of I was wearing my Burgundy heeled boots that I was absolutely in love with. It was the perfect outfit, that I was ecstatic about wearing all week, however, taking a second glance at myself I almost feel embarrassed wearing it.

'Baby, you look beautiful as usual, you could be wearing a paper bag and would still look cat-walk worthy' I smiled, pecking my lips softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. That made me feel a little better.

I smiled up at him adoringly.

'Okay fine we can go now, you haven't even told me where this party is, or better yet. Whose party it actually is!' I laughed as we left my house hand in hand. My parents were not the biggest fan of Paul, in fact they hated his guts. But because I had spent most of my life being the social outcast that sat in her room all day reading or drawing, then I think they were more relieved that I was actually going out and making the most of my teenage years.

'It's Luke's party, it's at his place' I froze.

'Luke's party?' I still hadnt spoken to him since I bluntly replied to his heart-warming apology message. He hadnt even been out with us since, I kind of felt bad thinking that maybe he felt awkward around me. However, part of me was happy that I had made him realise how much of a jerk he was to me.

'Look I know stuff isnt exactly peachy between you two lately, which trust me Im perfectly fine with considering the fact he tried doing my job for me by walking you home. But trust me tonight will be fun, just dont think about him okay?' I caught Paul's sly dig about me and Luke, which again we hadn't spoken about since that night.

'Okay. One, He didnt do your job for you because he didnt walk me home. Two, you had a perfectly good opportunity to walk me home, yet you chose to abandon me and go to the skate park with your friends. And three, its going to be pretty hard to not think about him when Im literally in his house!' I almost yelled at Paul. I don't know what was wrong with him, but lately he has just been acting like he has better things to do than be with me. Something was off, but honestly, I wasn't in the mood to try and find out. Attempting to have a normal conversation about feelings with Paul was like trying to solve a Rubix cube whilst being attacked by a pack of wolves.

Paul pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and closed his eyes, clearly agitated.

'Look can we just enjoy tonight and not think about how shit this week has been? I just want to get drunk and actually enjoy myself for once' he moaned at me. I shut my mouth and remained silent for the rest of the walk to Lukes. I walk have stormed off due to that last comment, had it not been for the fact that I had no idea where Luke lived.

Once we arrived at the house, I noticed that it was a small cute place. It wasn't amazingly big or anything, but it was just the right size for the people he had at this party. If no more showed up being that there were already about 20 people in his house.

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