Day 365

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I give myself a final once over in the mirror, doing some touch-ups on my makeup and outfit. To say I was nervous was the understatement of the century, I was terrified. Not terrified of going out with Luke, but scared that I am either going to make a complete fool of myself or that Luke will find me boring and completely change his mind about me. I know it's stupid because we have spent time alone together before, but what if we run out things to say, or I say something wrong and make it awkward?

'Come on Paige, get a grip. This is Luke, you have been friends for so long, you can talk to him about anything. Why suddenly, just because you've now seen him naked, are looking at him like he's a different person?' Flo says on the other end of my phone. I needed advice on tonight so of course, a group FaceTime session with her and Kat was in order.

'I don't understand what the problem is. You have always had feelings for him but managed to get through any interaction without making a fool of yourself, so this time is not going to be any different. Just be yourself you spoon and he will love you..well, he already does so you've got that part nailed actually' Kat laughs as she joins Flo in the attempt to make me feel better.

'Guys, I don't know what is wrong with me. Yes okay, I have had feelings for Luke basically since day one, and I've never had a problem being around him. But now, this is finally going somewhere and what I have wanted to happen for so long, is happening. I just feel like it's all a bit too surreal, good things don't happen to me, not this good anyway. I just feel like some sick force in the universe is going to turn around and be like 'thats enough now you've had your fun' and take him away I rambled on while Flo listened intently, and Kat just looked bored of my stupidity.

'Do you hear yourself right now? Paige, it's not that good things like this don't happen to you, it's that whenever something good is about to happen, you run away and don't ever let things expand further. You're so scared of being hurt that you don't let good things into your life full stop. I mean, look at how long you clung to Paul just because you didn't want to experience something better and then have it taken away. Live a little!!!' Flo all but shouted at me through the screen, while Kat sat there nodding her head.

I sighed, not knowing what else to say. She was right, of course she was fucking right!! I'm not going to let my brain ruin this for me. This is my happy ending.

'Okay, okay. You guys are obviously right, I'm just going to enjoy myself. No paranoid, over-thinking tonight, I promise. Listen, he will be here any minute now so I'm gonna have to go, love you guys' I blew a kiss at the screen before hanging up not giving Kat time to say whatever inappropriate thought was about to come out her mouth. I turned to the mirror one last time, then my phone pinged. My heart was in my throat, expecting a text from Luke to tell me he was outside.

'Can't get away from me that easily bitch!! Have fun getting boned...oh and on your date as well 😉 Loves ya xxx' I smiled at the text from Kat, that girl really is something else. Just as I was about to reply, there was a knock on the front door and this time my heart really was in my throat.

I opened the door to reveal the most beautiful human being I have ever had the privilege to lay eyes on, never mind lay in bed with. Stood there in dark washed jeans, a black button-down shirt (with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, even more mouth-watering I know!!) and brown dress shoes, keeping it fancy yet casual. I couldn't help but gawk at him, while a large smirk spread across his gorgeous face.

"Done checking me out yet??' he laughed, all I could do was blush and look down at my feet. Suddenly, I felt his hand underneath my chin as he pulled my face up to look into his eyes.

'No need to be embarrassed around me baby, I only dress for your eyes. Speaking of.... You look absolutely stunning, can't believe I'm actually lucky enough to be taking the most beautiful girl in the world out to dinner!!' he twirled me around and I laughed at how cringey he was being, but incredibly sweet.

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