Day Sixty-Three

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Christmas is slowly creeping up on us. The air is getting colder and colder every day and I refuse to leave my house more and more every week.

Right now I have been forced from the comfort of my own home, to accompany my loving best friend Kat shopping so that she can buy a new outfit to wear on Christmas day. I hate shopping, but I haven't spent much time with Kat since we have been so busy with work during the actual school hours. So many of our lunches are spent in the library, or eating in our classrooms to grab some extra studying before our mocks just before Christmas break.

We have been walking from shop to shop for hours and I'm literally about to give in when suddenly Kat bounces up and down in one spot, clapping her hands like a mad woman. I glance at what has caught her attention and a sigh of relief slips through my lips when I realise that it's a Starbucks that has her so excited and not another dress shop. Finally! Some well deserved food and caffeine.

Kat pulls me towards the coffee shop and just as we are about to walk in I feel someone tug on my shoulder quite roughly.

'Paige! Kat! What are you guys doing here? Its been so long since Luke's party and I didnt get to talk to you properly!' Kat turns instantly, her head darting towards to recognisably shrill voice, her eyes narrowing at the figure stood behind me.

Elizabeth was dressed in a pair of acid-washed skinny jeans, matched with what I was assuming was Luke's Hoodie. Speak of the devil, Luke comes running up to Elizabeth slightly out of breath as she probably ran after us in all her excitement to make our day miserable.

'Oh we were just getting a cup of coffee before we head back out to do some more shopping. What are you guys up to?' I kept the cool look on my face, pretending that seeing them together had no effect on me what so ever. I was also doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

Kat shot me a warning look, as if telling me not to let our own plans slip otherwise we would have no escape.

'Mind if we join you for a quick cup? We seriously need a catch-up on everything. Luke doesnt mind, do you baby?' She planted a lingering kiss on his cheek before turning back to us with a smug smirk on her lips. Luke looked more uncomfortable than me and Kat did.

'Uhhh'. Kate gave me another warning look, this time telling me if I agreed that she would come to my house in the night time, cut out my eyeballs with a biro. Stick my eyeballs up my nose and pull them down and out, through my arse. Yes, I got all of that from a look.

'Sure you guys can join us, don't worry about it!' I replied making a mental note to hide all the pens in my house next time Kat comes round.

I pulled open the door to the Starbucks and made my way inside, hearing Kat sign deeply as Elizabeth and Luke followed us into the coffee shop. I hastily found a table of 4 chairs and placed my bag on one, standing with my purse to go order mine and Kats drinks, I'm guessing I owe her at least a coffee after putting her through this. Making my way to the queue, I hear Elizabeth pipe up from her seat.

'Baby, could you please go get me my regular. You remember right?'

'Uh yeah sure, I'll go get it for you now' with that Luke stood up and made his way towards me in the queue. I was secretly begging someone to make their way here before him so that we didn't have to stand next to each other. But my silent prayer went unanswered as he stopped just behind me, pretending to be too intrigued with what was written on the menu board.

'Can we at least be civil with each other, just so that moments like these aren't as awkward' Luke joked with me, a small smile playing on his lips.

'I dont know what you're talking about, I havent ever had a problem with you.' I lied through my teeth, praying that he doesnt notice that I won't make eye-contact with him.

'We may not really know each other, but I can tell when someone is lying. Listen, I know I haven't exactly been the nicest of people to be around but I was hoping we could be friends from now on. I promise not to get involved with your and Pauls relationship if that makes it easier.'

'It's not really your fault, I mean Paul was the one lying to you about us having problems. He doesn't like us being around each other, you know? We've had at least, what? 3 conversations and he still has a problem with that so he probably won't be happy to find out that we are actually friends' I laughed. For some reason, the idea of Paul flipping over me and Luke made me smile, I found myself not caring what he thought.

'Let me handle Paul okay? It will probably sound better coming from me rather than the girl he loves, no one likes being told by their girlfriend that they are friends with another guy.' He had a point so I just nod, giving him a small smile.

Just then, the Barista behind the tills asks me for my order. Getting my classic Cinnamon Latte and Kats Pumpkin Spice.

'Dear god, you really are a typical white girl aren't you?' Luke laughs with a genuine smile, which lights up his entire face.

'Hey! At least I try to mix it up a bit with Cinnamon! Pumpkin tastes like the inside of a hobo's shoe' I joke back to him, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere that has surrounded me and Luke after months of tension.

Once we get our drinks, we make our way back to the table only to be greeted with a very angry looking Kat and Elizabeth. They were both sat on the furthest sides of the table, away from each other with murderous looks on their faces.

Elizabeth turns to look at me and gives me a dirty look that only lasts a few seconds and Luke walks up behind me after getting his drinks. I laugh as I notice the Caramel Frappuccino while he hands Elizabeth her Cappuccino.

'Oh, and I'm the typical white girl?' I nudge him lightly, nodding towards his drink. He just laughs, telling me to shut up before something grabs his arm and he practically falls into his seat, Elizabeth wrapping her arms around him and kissing him on his cheek while never taking her eyes off me.

The rest of the time we were in Starbucks it consisted of Elizabeth rambling on about boring shit that none of us cared about. Even Luke looked bored after a while. We would share a joke every now and again, laughing between us pissing off Elizabeth to the max. Eventually once she was done with her life story, Elizabeth informed Luke that they had to leave. Giving us a half-arsed goodbye, she pulled Luke away from us while he gave me an apologetic smile.

'BITCH! WHAT WAS THAT?' Kat practically dived on top of me once they were out of the coffee shop.

'What are you talking about?' I smirked, acting innocent knowing it would drive Kat insane.

'NO FUCKING SPILL NOW!!' she screamed, causing a few customers to give us weird looks.

I dragged her out of Starbucks by her arm, throwing apologies left, right and centre at all the disturbed coffee lovers.

'We decided that we have no reason to have drama, we don't even know each other well enough to hate each other'.

'Yeah but you never did anything, he was the one who decided that he didn't want anything to do with you. Then he gets with the Wicked Witch of the fucking West and tries to dictate your relationship through lies told by your boyfriend!'

She had a point, why did Luke suddenly decide that he wanted to have an input in mine and Pauls relationship. Also, if Paul was so arsed about me and Luke talking or having anything to do with each other, why would he then go to Luke to talk about our problems that we supposedly have.

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