Day 208

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It's been a week since I last saw Paul. I haven't been able to bring myself to see him, or talk to him face-to-face. I've known all week how our final conversation was going to end, I knew exactly what I was going to say to him, I just didn't know how to say it.

I know what you are all thinking. He is a lying, manipulative, cheating scumbag who doesn't deserve any ounce of modesty towards him, I should just tell him where he can go and be done with it. But I don't want to do that. I want to make him feel as low and as worthless as he has made me feel, I want an audience, I want to be a drama queen and feel good afterwards.

'You're coming to my party tonight okay! I'm not taking no as an answer, bring Kat and Flo along if you want' Luke basically demands down the phone to me. We have gotten a lot closer and spoken every day, since he is the only one who knows about what I'm going through, it's been nice to talk to him all about it.

'Fine! But if shit starts happening then you can't blame me okay. I will not be held responsible for my actions once I have had a drink' I hear Luke laugh on the other side of the phone, it fills my heart with so much warmth.

'Don't worry, i'll make sure to lay down old towels so that no blood goes onto the carpet' I laugh at this and hang up the phone after saying goodbye.

I immediately ring Kat and Flo, if I'm going to this party and Paul is going to be there, that means that tonight is the night when everything gets thrown onto the table. In other words, shit is going to go down. But I'm going to make sure that I look great while it is. And to look great, I need my two personal stylist, aka, my best friends.

A few hours later and I am ready to go along with my two beautiful friends. I am wearing a tight fitted, black pencil-skirt, a burgundy blouse and some burgundy high-heeled boots to match. My make-up is quite subtle on the eyes, some simple, winged eyeliner and mascara. But what ties it all together and gives me the fierce look that I was going for, the dark plum lipstick. Safe to say, I am feeling pretty good about myself right now.

Once we get to the party I automatically look around for the man of the hour. Without seeing him I make my way to the alcohol, yes I am going to need lots of this tonight.

'Paige, can I talk to you?' Ah here he is. Better get this drink down me while I can. I grab my glass and down the vodka and monster I had just made myself, before nodding and following Paul outside into the back yard. I see Kat and Luke give me worried looks on our way past, but I just nod at them, letting them know that everything is okay.

'So, want to explain to me why you have been avoiding me for the past few days?' Paul looks at me like I am a little girl he is telling off and I can't help but scoff.

'And why do you even care? Been lonely without someone to manipulate?' I cross my arms over my chest, returning the stern look he is giving me.

'What are you talking about?' Pauls face automatically changes to nervousness.

'HA! I am talking about this!' I say whilst pulling out my phone and practically shoving it into his face, glaring the screenshot at him.

His eyes look over the screen before widening.

'Where did you get this?'

'Does it matter? I know your dirty little secret. Really? Elizabeth, out of all the girls you could have chose it had to be her?' My eyes fill up slightly, but I refuse to let him see me as weak.

'Paige! This is not me okay! I did not send those messages. I don't know what this is, or who showed this to you, but I swear down on my life. I did not, and never would, say those things about you! I love you more than anything.'

'You know what, a while back I would have taken your word for it and jumped into your arms. But those few days alone have done me some good. I am not just some little girl you can play with anymore, your part in my life is done. done' With that I go to walk away. I make it into the kitchen before I feel a hand close around my arm, not exactly gently either.

'Don't walk away from me Paige! I told you I didn't send those messages, now you can either stop being an idiot and believe me or you can carry on making the biggest mistake of your life!' Paul looked at me with pure anger and annoyance, just proving that he doesn't give even a single damn about me. I just laugh in his face, not caring about the multiple eyes that are now on us.

'Okay, then show me your phone, right now' I give Paul and challenging look, which seems to just piss him off even more.

'You don't have any right to go through my phone. Plus, you wont find anything on there' his grip on my arm tightens, almost making me wince. I see Luke notice this as he slowly steps forward, glaring into the side of Pauls face.

'If you're so sure that I wont find anything then I don't see why you can't give me this one time access to your texts. Or did you forget to delete the evidence?'

'You shouldn't need to see my phone to believe me' he says through gritted teeth.

'And you shouldn't underestimate me. I'm not a fucking idiot. You're a scumbag. And you know what, you and Elizabeth deserve each other. Two scumbags in love, isn't that sweet. I'm not a little girl Paul, I can take care of myself. And I most definitely do not need you there, pretending to care about me. So I suggest you take your filthy hands off of me, turn around and walk away, before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot' I pull my arm from his grasp as Luke comes over and stands next to me, glaring at Paul.

'I think it's time you go, Paul' Luke motions towards the door with his hand, but his voice is filled with hatred.

Paul looks at Luke before his eyes dart back down to me, and then a smirk appears on his face.

'Oh, I see. Are you her little knight in shining armour? How cute! You're going to sit here and call me a cheat when you two basically eye-fuck each other whenever you're around one another. That's cheap, you're nothing but a slut. If you'll drop your pants for me, then I have no doubt you'll drop them for anyo..' He didn't have time to finish before Lukes fist is connecting with his jaw. Sending Paul flying backwards, but before he could hit the floor, Luke grabs hold of his collar and drags him towards the door. He opens the door and pulls Paul up to look in his face.

'If you ever say anything like that about her again, I'll break more than your jaw. Understand?' He doesn't wait for Pauls reply before he throws him out the door, slamming it in the process.

I just stand there in shock, not being able to comprehend what had just happened. Before I know it, Luke is pulling me into a tight embrace, one arm wrapping around my waist and the other cradling my head, holding me to his chest. At that moment, the rest of the world melted away, it was only me and him, and I never wanted to leave his warm embrace.

'Guess he's choosing the girl, even if she does want to be alone' he mumbles into my hair. I don't even know what he is talking about but I don't care, all I care about it staying in his arms like this for as long as I can.

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