Day 257

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I woke up the next morning to banging on my door. Perfect way to be woken up when you have a hangover,

'Paige! Wake the fuck up, we need to talk. Like now!!' I heard Flows panicked voice and instantly became concerned. I quickly ran and unlocked the door, allowing her and Jess to bombard my room, slamming and locking the door again in the process.

'Get dressed, we have 10 minutes before your principle is coming here to talk to us' Jess says as she rummages through my clothes, trying to find me a decent outfit to wear.

'What's going on?' I ask, still half asleep but still panicking out of confusion.

'Shay!' Flo yelled at me. Not really clearing up the confusion, but bringing back all the memories of what happened last night. Oh wait! New me. I don't care.

'What about her?' I ask nonchalantly, like I couldn't care less.

'She's saying that Will forced himself on her last night Paige. Now get dressed, we are being interviewed by the principle soon' Flo threw some clothes as me, but I couldn't move. What? Will wouldn't hurt a fly! Why is she lying about this!!

'I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL THAT BITCH!' I screamed but Flo grabbed my shoulder.

'Honey, trust me we all want to kill her, but right now we have to make sure that we get Will cleared up of this shit. We all know that she willingly stuck her tongue down his throat and willingly stayed after we all left!'

'I saw her go into his room last night too' I said, making Jess and Flo stop and stare at me.

'Is that why you came out in such a bad mood?' Flo asked almost sympathetically.

'Kinda' I looked at my feet, not really wanting to have this conversation now when I am about to go get my friend off the hook for false allegations. I quickly run to my bathroom and get dressed, not even caring how I looked. After brushing my teeth and then throwing my hair into a pony, I left my room with Flo and Jess close behind me.

When we entered our Kitchen, the principle was already sat waiting for us. But who I wasn't expecting to see was Will and Shay sat on either side of him. Will was looking at his hands, almost like he was going to cry, or he already was and didn't want us to see. Shay was sat looking more than happy with herself and it made me want to jump the bitch right there and then. I almost took a step forward but then I felt Flo put her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

'Please, have a seat ladies. We have a lot to discuss' the principle said, not really looking any of us in the eyes, but keeping his voice stern.

'Before we begin, we would like to let you know that drinking on school field trips is highly inappropriate and of course illegal for people your age, therefore you will all be punished for the events that took place last night. We also have more important matter to deal with right now, so we will come back to that later. Miss Creed here has made some every serious allegations again Will, now as she is not my student I have no way of knowing whether these allegations are true or not, therefore I am in need of your input to fill me in on what happened last night' He crossed his arms over his chest and looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here. Which made me calm down a bit, he knew these allegations were bullshit, he knows Will and has done for 5 years.

'Why do you even need their input, my claim should be enough as it is!' Shay looked almost scared that she was going to get caught out.

'It is procedure Miss Creed, we can't simply have a student arrested over these kinds of things if we have no evidence as to whether the events actually occurred of not. Now since Will is unable to recall the events of last night due to his intoxication then I have no other choice but to interview the other people present' he turns back to us and waves his hand as if asking us to begin recalling our night. I don't think that Jess or Flo will start talking after about 30 seconds of silence, so I start.

'We were in the boys hall, having a few drinks. Once we had finished we decided to play spin the bottle. By the end of the game it was Shays turn to spin and she PURPOSEFULLY made it stop on Will, I saw it hit her finger. Yeah, you weren't that subtle about it. Then once Will went to give her a kiss, she grabbed him and basically choked him with her tongue and wouldn't let him go. We all decided to leave because it was pretty awkward, but then I realised I had left my bag. When I got back to the halls I saw Shay pulling Will into his room, so I turned and left even leaving my bag' I finished and by the end of my recalling, Will wouldn't look at me, Shay looked like she was about to throw up and the principle just looked fed up with the day and it was only 11am.

'Well, I will take your statement into consideration whilst Miss Creed here goes to have tests done to see for any evidence of sexual abuse' the principle began.

'What? I don't want to have test taken' Shay mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself.

'Miss Creed we can't prove anything if you won't let them examine you, how will we be able to tell if you are telling the truth?' the principle pinches the bridge of his nose.

'Can't you just take my word for it? I am not having any tests done and that's the end of it!!' Shays yells and I am literally 5 seconds away from leaping over the table and strangling her.

'Miss Creed, let me be honest with you. This is a very serious thing to yell about, and a very serious thing to accuse someone of. These students are some of the most trusted in my whole school, plus this young lady seems pretty honest and reliable' He said motioning towards Jess. 'Therefore, if you are unable to provide us with the evidence of this allegation, which is a simple test, then I have no other choice than to assume you are lying. Am I wrong?' The principle leans down so that his elbows are resting on his knees, not in a threatening way, but in a way as if a parent was trying to make their child tell the truth.

Shay just looked down and didn't say anything, she knew she had lost.

'That is what I thought, now if you two would like to come with me then I need to make some phone calls to your parents and they can also have a word with you, Shay, about how lying gets you no where. Ladies, I apologise for the inconvenience, you will however still be punished for the underage drinking whilst on a school trip. Maybe, having to clean up the mess you made in the boys kitchen last night will do' he says as he leaves us there, taking Shay and Will with him. But not before I give her a look which could kill, she returns it despite what she has just been putting Will through. How does she seriously think she has any right to be mad at me?

Will finally looks up just before he walks out of the door, giving me a small smile before leaving completely. I just wanted to go up and hug him, tell him that I never once believed her bullshit story. But I think this is something that he might not want to ever be reminded of. So we all decided to not bring it up in front of him. Shay however, just wait until the next time I see her.

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