Day 363

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The idea of hosting a party has always struck a nerve in me. However, as this is my occasion it only made sense to my parents that I invite all my friends round and get blind drunk in the comfort of my own home. They even offered to stay in a hotel for the night so that they don't, and I quote, cramp my style, god I love them sometimes. Even with my parents permission, or force. I am still nervous about having a party, I have seen how much shit happens and I've honestly never wanted to be the one to deal with everything, considering it would be going down in my house.

As I am making myself a drink, out of the fine selection my parents left for us (mostly weak stuff, but i've got bottles of vodka and whiskey hidden, plus it's BYOB) a knock on my door interrupts me. I open the door and a squealing Kat and Flo come barging into me, holding onto me with a death-grip.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!' They both scream, making me giggle.

Kat is wearing a navy blue skater dress with long sleeves, it is made of a suede material that gives the dress enough character despite it being a simple style. Flo is sporting a long, to the ankle, black skirt which she has paired with a black and white striped blouse, looking gorgeous as ever. Me however, I am wearing a black lace playsuit, which has a plunging neck-line. I have paired it with a black pencil skirt and can honestly say this is the classiest I have felt in a very long time.

'Thank you, my lovelies. Now come in and help me get started on this booze' they laugh as we head into the living room, turning up the music.

'So, please tell me you haven't invited Paul to this?' Kat gives me a stern look whilst I pour her and Flo a drink.

'This...happens to be my birthday party. So it is only natural that my BOYFRIEND would be invited to it' I laugh. I don't judge the girls for not liking Paul, I understand it. Yes, they are my best friends and he is my boyfriend, but I can't force them to like him. So long as they are nice to his face then I don't care.

'But hes so boring!!! Plus you know you wouldn't mind having a bit of alone time with Luke' she winks at me, whilst Flo smirks into her drink. Seriously, I never should have told them what happened in the club, once everything with Elizabeth had calmed down.

'For your information, me and Luke are FRIENDS!! Do I wish we were more? Yes. Do I want him on my bed covered in chocolate sauce just waiting for me to lick it off? Maybe. But that doesn't defeat the fact that he isn't in the place for a relationship right now, and I am respecting that'

'But the question is why are you respecting that by being in a relationship with someone you aren't happy with? You and Paul have lost your touch, you both know it. There is another relationship just waiting in the wings and you're choosing to ignore it!! You want a relationship with Luke, go and get one!!!!' Kat pushes. She does have a point. Why am I still with Paul when the option for being with Luke is so close. All I would have to do is wait for him, so why am I still pretending with Paul. Or better yet, why is Paul still pretending with me? He was clearly overjoyed with the news that Luke and Elizabeth broke up, the option is there. So why isn't he taking it?

Just as I am about to answer the door rings, indicating the arrival of my first guests. Let the party begin.

2 hours later, the party is in full swing. I'm not completely sober, but I am making sure I still have the ability to focus on things, I can't let the house get destroyed just because I couldn't hold my liquor. Luke is yet to arrive and I do find myself wondering what is taking him so long. Paul got here about an hour ago and has been caught up in conversations with some people he brought with him, without asking if I might add.

'Hey baby, come meet some of my new friends. I have been trying to get to you all night!' Paul grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the group of men, who are now oogling at me with creepy stares.

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