Day 101

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I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't get anything out of my head other than the way Luke kept looking at my lips as he leaned into me. I thought he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. Why did I want him to kiss me? Why didn't I stop him? Part of me is glad that he went for the cheek, I had enough shit on my plate, without the thought of having to explain to Paul what had happened. Now it was nothing but a harmless peck on the cheek, not even worth mentioning. Was it? I'd honestly want to know if some girl had done that to Paul, so I'm guessing he would want me to do the same thing.

I groaned as I concluded that I would have to tell him what happened. I turned over in bed, and looked at Paul who was asleep on the floor. One good thing about him, he respects my space. We have never slept together, hell I've never slept with anyone, so he understands where I am coming from when I don't want to sleep in the same bed.

I nudged him slightly and he didn't move, so I leaned down and shook him harder. This time his eyelids flew open and he jumped up, nearly headbutting me in the process.

'What the hell is going on?' he sounded panicked, like I was an intruder in his own home.

'Nothing, I just need to talk to you about something that happened tonight' I notice how his body stiffened instantly, and I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. What was he so worked up about? What did he think I was going to say?

'I went outside to talk to Luke about him telling you about the weed. Well actually I went outside to yell at him for telling you, but anyway. He apologised about it, and I apologised about some of the things I had said that night when we were arguing. Then he kissed me on the cheek, to thank me for apologising' I mumbled the last part, slightly hoping that he didn't hear me.

For a moment it looked like his body relaxed a little when I finished what I was saying and he realised that this is what I wanted to tell him. But then that quickly dissolved when he actually took in what I said.

'HE KISSED YOU?' he almost screamed, his eyes bulging out of his head.

'On. The. Cheek. Don't forget that part, so its not even a big deal. I just thought I would tell you because you have a right to know, and i'd want to know if anything like that happened to you'

'Okay, so it's no big deal then? What if a girl came and kissed me whenever she felt like it? Cheek or not! How would you feel?' he narrowed his eyes at me, he does that a lot lately and it's really starting to piss me off.

'Probably not as bad as I feel when I see you all over any girl that walks by you' it came out before I could stop it. Once it was out, I sucked in a breath and waited for the wrath. But instead, the room fell silent, I didn't dare look up and meet his eyes because I knew they would just be staring at me in threat, like always.

'Paige.' He began, but I quickly stopped him. I've started the rain of the storm, might as well add some thunder.

'Who were you with before the countdown?' I asked, catching him off guard. Suddenly, his eyes were wild with something I hadn't seen on him before. Fear?

'What do you mean? I was with a friend. I told you that. Do you not trust me?'

'I never said I didn't'

'Then why are you pushing this like i'm lying to you?'

'Well technically you can't lie when you haven't given me a proper answer..' I was really starting to get pissed off now. I didn't even care if I caused a fucking hurricane, tsunami and earthquake at the same time. He isn't escaping this one easily.

'Were you with Elizabeth?' I pushed. Looking for a reaction, a twitch, a shudder. Fucking Anything. But he remained calm, cool and collected.

'Of course I wasn't! Where would you even get an idea like that?' he laughed at me like I was an immature child attempting to get a pathetic rise out of him. Which honestly, I was starting to feel like I was.

'She was outside as well, when the countdown started, I heard her tell Luke that she had found someone to take his place when the clock got to midnight. I...I just thought..' I felt Paul grab my hand and sit next to me on the bed.

'I need you to stop worry okay? I need you to give that beautiful little head of yours a break before it explodes. I would never, never, do anything like that to hurt you Paige! I dont know how much you actually trust me, but I'm being completely honest when I say that I love you, and I wouldn't risk ruining this for any other girl in the entire world. All I want is you.' And just like that, I was butter in the palm of his hand. Again.

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