Day 240

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'Wait. Wait. Wait. So you're telling me that you ate an ENTIRE bag of bread when stoned because that was the only thing in the house?' I stare at Will with wide eyes, not believing how he is even still alive at this point in time. Yeah, I know it's just bread, but I get bloated eating a normal sandwich, never mind a whole loaf.

'What?! I had an extreme case of the munchies!! And I'm way too lazy to walk all the way to the store and buy something' Will shakes his head almost like it's obvious he had to eat the bread.

'Why didn't you just buy something on your way home?' Flo asked whilst finishing up the joint she was currently rolling. Yes, I'm still smoking weed. No, I don't care if people know. Yes, I am officially part of the stoner crew.


Before anyone asks, no I have not stopped hanging out with Luke because of Elizabeth. Me, Flo and Will always stick together when Elizabeth is round. Or I should say, Will and Flo stick to me, like my own personal bodyguards. They know what she can be like, so whenever plans are made with Luke and Elizabeth, Will and Flo are not too far behind, which I am very grateful for.

'Hey Paige do you want to light this one?' Flo asks, handing the joint over to me.

I barely have time to light the lighter before I hear a loud laugh behind me. Bare in mind right now, the part of the field that we always hang out in is pretty far away from civilisation. Plus it's hidden within trees and bushes, so unless you were to know where you were going, or just decided to walk for 10 minutes through what looks like a plethora of prickly bushes and shrubs, then no one would be able to find us here. So obviously Paul was looking for us, hoping to find us here.

'Well would you look at this, Paige is one of the stoner kids now, how sad! Is your life just that pathetic without me?' Paul smirks at me, but I just light the joint and blow the smoke in his direction before turning back to Will and Flo, who look like they're about to erupt.

'Hey, Asshat. Why don't you do us all a favour and walk in the opposite direction because no one wants you here!' Flo spits out in Pauls direction. That's the amazing thing about her, she seems all cute and mothering, but if you piss her off. Damn, you're in for a rough time.

'Wow Flo, those words really hurt. Except I know you never liked me in the first place, so I've learnt not to give a shit what you say!'

'Just leave Paul' I stand up before Flo can hurl herself at him, ready to attack.

'Oh, so she does have a voice. What was that? I couldnxt quite hear you!' he leaned close to me and it took everything I had not to spit on him right there.

'I think she asked you to leave, both of them did actually' Will says through gritted teeth, standing by my side. Despite being younger than him, Will is actually built a lot bigger than Paul, and is even pretty much the same height as him. That makes his words even more threatening and I see the sudden fear flash in Pauls eyes. He likes to think he is big and strong, but Lukes party showed everyone how weak he really is, not just on a physical level.

Pauls reputation has been at stake ever since that night. He basically assaulted me in front of everyone, screamed in my face and called me a slut. Then had his ass handed to him by Luke. Once people found out that he had cheated on me with a girl who didn't even end up wanting him at all, he managed to gain a high position as saddest guy on the planet. A lot of his friends have told Luke that they want to see me, that they don't hate me and that they are on my side through all of this. That makes me pretty happy to be honest, but I still don't know how I am going to face them after being the reason they lost one of their friends.

'I'm not scared of you little boy, now pipe down while I try and talk to my ex will you?' Paul faces me again and this time I don't hold back, I spit in his face. I know, I know, it's a disgusting think to do, but he is a disgusting person and doesn't deserve a single drop of respect. Especially when he is talking to my friends like that.

'Don't ever talk to them like that again. And don't EVER class me as anything to do with you, as far as I'm concerned you never existed in my life and that's the way I would like it to stay' I go to turn away until I feel an all too familiar hand grabbing my arm. I see Will go to grab Paul but I push him back slightly, letting him know I can handle it.

I grab onto Pauls hand and yank it away from my arm. Paul sighs and runs a hand through his hair, all signs of fighting gone from his face and suddenly, he just looks tired.

'Please Paige, just give me one more chance. I'm sorry for the way that I acted, I'm sorry for what I did. Please, I need you in my life. Look what has happened since you left me! I'm a mess, a complete and utter mess. Baby, I need you more than ever. Please, just be mine again' Pauls eyes flash with genuine sadness. However, I know for a fact that it isn't sadness for losing me. It's sadness that he got caught. Sadness that his friends eventually saw what an unworthy piece of shit he is. Sadness that he lost everything all for a girl that didn't even like him. Out of all the things he is sorry for, hurting me is not one of them.

'Wow! You really are a brilliant liar aren't you? Well guess what, I'm happy you're a mess because I'm not. Guess the tables have turned, now I'm the one making you feel worthless. You don't deserve happiness Paul, you're emotionally abusive, a liar, a cheat and an asshat, thank you Flo. The only way I would ever even consider getting back into a relationship with you is you prove to me that I can trust you, but good luck with that' I laugh and turn back to Will and Flo, taking the joint from Will to have my turn. I notice that Paul is still standing there.

'You can leave now' I say without even turning back around to him.

'I'll prove to you I deserve another chance Paige, I promise' with that, Paul walks away leaving me, Will and Flo to talk about what just happened.

'I don't understand why he thinks he deserves another chance. He straight up took your virginity, cheats on you, then has the decency to call you a slut. INFRONT OF EVERYONE!' Flo rants on about how much of a dick Paul is, but I wasn't really paying attention. Why does Paul want to prove he deserves another chance? Is it all just because Elizabeth is back with Luke? Luke.. Is there even any point waiting?

'You know my offer to find out what you're missing is still there for the taking' Will whispers in my ear. I stare at him for a moment before we both burst out laughing, me nudging his shoulder and him wrapping his arm around me, pulling me in for a hug. I lay my head on his shoulder, while Flo lays her head in my lap. I just smile to myself, content with how amazing my friends are.

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