Day 249

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Today is the day of the school trip. Yep, that 2 week long field trip with my friends that Paul was pissed about me even mentioning. Well I'm going bitches and no one can stop me. I seriously can't wait for this first week, team building and all that aside, I'm going to be able to spend so much time with my friends and not have to worry about any of the drama back at home, although I will miss Luke a lot. Oh, and another benefit of this trip, Elizabeth is staying home, far away from me, just the way I like it. The idea of team building and getting dirty displeases her, so she decided to give this a miss, thank god! That means that this week, and the next will genuinely be fun, no distractions, no drama. Just me and my best friends.

The morning was pretty slow, everyone was stood around the school with their suitcases waiting to be put into their groups for the next 2 weeks. I dreaded the idea of being placed into a group with people that I didn't like, but the whole point of this week was to work with your fellow pupils, so I put on my positive head.

'I swear to god! If I even get put into a group with Rebecca Wilde I think I am going to scream' Kat looked around unenthusiastically, she's the one who wanted to go on this trip in the first place, now I am not so sure.

'You'll be fine, Rebecca isn't that bad!' I tried to give her a reassuring smile.

'Oh fuck you! You're not the one who has to sit with her during English and listen to her ramble on about her pet rats for an hour straight!' I tried my hardest to hold in my laugh but failed, so did Flo and Will who were waiting right beside us.

'Okay Pupils! Could you please quieten down whilst I assign you to your groups, whom you will be working with for the next 2 weeks might I add, so no complaining!' We all looked around nervously at each other as the teacher started calling out names for each group.

'Katherine Holmes!'

'Fuck' Kat mumbled under her breath and trudged over to her group, giving us hopeful looks as he continued calling out names.

'And Rebecca Wilde. Okay onto the last group!'

Kat looked like she was about to explode, the minute Rebecca ran up to her smiling and rambling on, no doubt filling Kat in on her rats latest endeavours. But her face was even more of a picture when the teacher called out the names of the last group.

'Paige, William and Florence' I hadn't even noticed we were the last 3 not in a group, I was too busy focusing on Kat looking like she wanted to kill someone. As bad as I felt for her, I was so happy to be with Will and Flo. Looks like luck was on my side today.

Once we had piled everything into our coach, we took our seats at the back. We didn't have to sit in our groups on the journey there which meant Kat had the entire journey to bitch about how unfair this was.

'WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS THOUGH?! I say I don't want to be with someone specifically and that who I am graced with?! Does God hate me or something?!' We all couldn't help but laugh as she moaned on.

'You never know Kat, you might just become best buddies by the end of the trip. This is all about team building and getting to know our fellow pupils' Will laughed.

'Shut up you floppy-haired little fuck! Switch teams with me?'

'Hmmmm leave my two hottie best friends, and have to deal with Rat girl. Or stay with my two hottie best friends and possibly get lucky? I'm gonna have to give that a hard pass' Will winked at me while he said the last part, making me blush and look down. I saw Flo give me a suggestive look, making me blush even more and sink into my seat.

'Oh please! Paige, tell Will you're not going to sleep with him so he will trade with me! God knows that's the only reason he agreed to go on this trip in the first place, so let him know it will NEVER happen and I won't have to suffer any further' Kat looked at me with begging eyes, I went to reply before Will threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his chest.

'Never say never, my friend. She's single now and won't be able to resist me forever' I pushed Will away laughing, giving Kat an apologetic look. I wasn't agreeing to what Will had said, but Kat knows that even if he wanted to, we were warned at the beginning of the day that there would be no group swapping so that we could be with friends.

Once we finally arrived at the activities place, we got a tour of the grounds before being thrown into a hall and given the rules. What we weren't told in school was that other kids, from other schools, would also be joining us on this trip. They would be placed into our groups as a way to expand our team building further, making us work with people we had never met before. So, this just got a little more scary, but at least I still had Will and Flo.

The other school wouldn't be here until tomorrow which meant we had first dibs on the rooms we were in. As soon as the meeting had finished, everyone fled out of the halls to collect their stuff and attempt to get their hands on the best room they could find. Me and Flo managed to find a pretty decent sized room that had 4 beds, which weren't too uncomfortable. Me and Flo took up two beds, putting our stuff away in the small wardrobes we had each, while Caitlyn, another girl in our group, sat on her phone in the 3rd bed.

'Hey, I'm gonna go explore a little since we don't have anything to do today. You guys wanna join me?' Caitlyn asked us as she got up.

'Don't you want to unpack your stuff first?' Flo asked, looking at her unpacked bag like it was stressing her out, while I threw the last of my stuff in the wardrobe.

'Nah, I'll do it later. I'd much rather go and find a nice quiet place to smoke this' Caitlyn held up a joint, waving it at me and Flo who smiled at each other before following her out the door. This is going to be more fun than I thought.

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