The day he met John(chapter one)

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Btw when the French is spoken the English is in brackets underneath!

Hamilton's P.O.V

I arrived at the college and I was greeted by a kind woman with a soothing voice. She looked like she was 60 maybe 70

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Errrrrmmmm Alexander Hamilton!"

After finding my name on a list

"Ah,yes your in room 202 you're sharing with a mr John Laurens,he checked in half an hour ago" she said


"Here are your keys"

"Thanks and bye!"

I made my way to the dorm, as I got closer I counted
I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I looked around the room, until I saw a tall boy.

"Hi my name is John Laurens!"he said his sweet voice was calming and sexy he had cute freckles all over his face!

" name is Alexander Hamilton!" I stuttered nervously

"Nice to meet you!" He extended out his hand and I shook it.

"So.....errrrmmm this is my bed and that one is yours" he said gesturing to the bed behind me and smiling.

Johns P.O.V
He nervously unpacked his bags and sat down on his computer chair and turned on his laptop.

"Hey Alexander?" I said nervously

"Yes?" He said looking up from his laptop.

"I just got a text from my friends saying that I should go over To their dorm, do you wanna come with me?"

"Shure!" He responded "what's their names?" He questioned
"Oh their names are Hercules mulligan and laffayette!"

Alex stares at the door like he's afraid,why is he so scared

"Alex are you alright?"I question

"Y...yeah, I'm fine!" He responds hesitantly "I've just never had a group off friends before....."

I look at him with confusion "what!? have you not had friends before?"

"I'd rather not go into it." He says hanging his head

"Well as crazy as my friends are their also really sweet!" I giggle

I knock on the large door and I am immediately hugged by Peggy!

"Peggs,you scared me!"

Alex's P.O.V

A small girl wrapped her arms around John, she had her wild curly hair in a messy bun on top of her head. After braking the hug between her and John she looked at me.

"Hi my name is Peggy.....and you are?"

" a..Alexander...Hamilton!"I stuttered
Why am I so nervous?
"He is my new roommate!" John said

"Oh well nice to meet you Alexander,can I just call you alex?"

"Y....yes!" I looked at John with a please help me expression on my face.

"He's just a bit nervous."

"Don't be!"Peggy said reassuringly

"Thanks, Peggy!"I said smiling

"Call me peggs your one of us now!" She said with a giggle."errrrmmm you can come in now guys!"

"Yeah" said John also giggling

We walk into an already packed room, there are two other girls and two other guys, they are so tall they must be laffayette and Hercules!

"LAFF! HERC!" John shouted with a laugh " You didn't say you were inviting everyone!"

The tallest man ran over to John , picked him up and spun him in circles in the air
"HERC PUT ME DOWN" he said almost crying with laughter
"But John I missed you!!!" Herc bellowed

The other man gave John a hug

"John, how are you mon ami?"he said in a thick French accent

" I'm good how are you laff?"he said giggling

The Frenchman met my gaze and looked in confusion

"John? Who is this?"he asked

"My new roommate!" He said
Laffayette made his way over to me and I put my hand out to shake his

Johns P.O.V
Laffayette shook Alex's hand
"Hi you must be laffayette?" Questioned alex
"salut ,oui je suis lafayette appelez-moi laff Ravi de vous rencontrer Alexander j'aime taquiner les gens en parlant en français, désolé!
(translation hi yes I am laffayette, call me laff nice to meet you Alexander I like to tease people by talking in French, sorry!)

We all looked at laff with a disapproving face but before we could say anything alex began talking back!

"Ravi de vous rencontrer à laff mais s'il vous plaît appelez-moi Alex, j'aime votre sens de l'humour
(Translations! nice to meet you to laff but please call me Alex,i like your sense of humor)
We all looked at Alex amazed !
"Well I like this one!" Laff said Giggling Alexander smiled
" you must be Hercules?" Alex said turning to herc

"Yes I am nice to meet you alex!" He said shaking Alex's hand

The three other girls made their way over
"I'm Angelica !" She said "these are my baby sisters Elizabeth and Peggy!"
"Call me Eliza!"said the second tallest
"And you know me already!"said Peggy

"That leaves me you can call me angie !" Smiled Angelica

"Ok!" Alexander said slightly intimidated .

The sisters stood in a triangle formation "Alright let's watch a film!" Said Peggy

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The sisters stood in a triangle formation "Alright let's watch a film!" Said Peggy

Sorry that this chapter was long it's my first ever book the next chapter will be a follow on from this!!😁
—Dahley 🙂

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