Im happy

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DISCLAIMER this chapter contains themes of self hate and hints of suicide
Johns p.o.v

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and avoided looking at my reflection
"John we're gonna be late!" Alex said Knocking in the door lightly
"Just a sec." I said whipping the tears from my eyes and walking out of the bathroom with my head down
Alex stopped me and lifted my chin to look at him
"John what's gotten into you?" Alex asked worriedly
"Nothing." I said forcing a smile and walking away

Alex and I head to our class hand in hand and when we arrive I kiss Alex on the cheek before sitting in my seat

I didn't  tell Alex how my dad asked me to see him again, the same dad that used to beat me for being gay or that my mother wanted to meet Alex the same mother that lives with my dad

The lesson passed and I approached Alex walking between laff and Herc and placing my head on Alex's shoulder and crying
"John what's wrong?" Alex said pulling me into a hug
"My dad.....wants to see me...." laff and herc gasp in horror
"What's wrong with that?"Alex said curiously
"My dad used to-be-beat m-me" I said my eyes now streaming with water
I felt Alex tense up
"Mom ami why has he re connected?" Laff said placing a hand on my shoulder
"He wants to see me.......on the same day my mother wants to meet Alex." I said now staining Alex's shirt with tears
"I say I meet them....."
I look at Alex's and he wipes a tear from my cheek
"I'll protect you." He added
"And we'll wait outside!" Herc smiled

**meeting parents**

We stood outside the door and Alex wrapped his arm around my waist before knocking on the door
My mother answered and seemed happy to see me
"Jackie! How are you? You must be were right he is handsome."
Alex smiled and my mum took us inside my father stood up when he noticed Alex
"I thought that faze would have been over by now." He said Angrily
"If I may SIR does John being gay effect you and your day to day life if you don't accept him then leave him alone!" Alex snapped standing to face my father
"And you are?" He scoffed
"My name is Alexander Hamilton and I will not let you insult my boyfriend father or not!" Alex said grabbing my hand and smiling proudly
"BOYFRIEND, son of all the gays you picked HIM?" My father laughed
"Y-yes" I stuttered

Alex's p.o.v

I see it now...he's frightened of his father.....but that means there's more to it.
"Ok boys, let's not go any further we don't want a repeat of last year..." the mother said getting in between John me and his father
"Dinner is ready..." she said happily
John sat next to me and his father next to him
Every time his dad made any sudden movements he would grab my leg
After dinner Johns father stood up pulling John by the collar of his shirt upstairs
I tried to follow but I just couldn't he wouldn't let me up
I stood waiting worriedly as to what was happening I was about to calm down slightly before
"ALEX! HELP!" John screamed at the top of his lungs
I ran up the stairs to the room where the noise was coming from to find John pinned against the wall and his father with a knife to his throat
"Let's not do anything irrational." I said approaching John
"stay back or I'll do it"
I took steps backwards pulled out my phone and texted laff
Alex:laff!help!now! Johns father has a knife to Johns throat
Laffy: I'm coming now!!😮🤭😧
End of texting

"Please calm down ok? Let John go!" I said calmly as I slowly took steps back towards them
He put down his knife and pulled a gun out and put it against johns head
"Come any FUCKING CLOSER I DARE YOU!" He said cocking the gun
"He's your son...are you really gonna kill him?" I said Standing still
"No son of mine is gay....!" He lowered the gun to johns stomach and shot him
"JOHN! HOLY SHIT ARE YOU CRAZY!" I screamed just as laff entered
"Alex are-HOLY SHIT JOHN!" Laff said kicking the gun out of johns dads hands
"Herc call a FUCKING ambulance!" Laff screamed taking a t-shirt out of the drawer and placing it on johns wound
"John stay with me..." laff said as I approached them
"Alex....please, make it stop" John whimpered

Ooooooo shittttt, sorry it took so long but was it worth the wait, I'm already writing the next chapter soooooooo get ready

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