Just the start

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DISCLAIMER This chapter uses offensive language that may offend some readers (btw I'm pan, don't hate on me for using the words)

A few days later

Laffs pov
Ever since Herc sent me to the councillor I kinda kept going
See I wasn't gonna tell Herc this but my anxiety is getting bad again and my thoughts of suicide are rapidly climbing
(Ha you thought that was over)
I have almost cut a few times but the thing that stopped me was.....Herc
I'm glad I went to the councillor when I did
I have a meeting with her in ten minutes

I walked out of my room and kissed Herc on the cheek
"Just going on a jog Hun" I lied
"Okay baby Have fun" he grinned happily
I ran passed our dorm room window and ran straight to the councillor
*in her office* (Time skip)
"Now laff its always gonna.  best to talk to the person you trust the most, I recommend you ask Hercules out on a date" she grinned finishing up the meeting
"O..okay" I say walking out
I jog back to my dorm but before I go in I decided to go and see John first, I need to talk to him.
I walk down the hall till I reach his dorm, I knock quietly

Johns pov
I was writing down ideas for my assignment when I heard am extremely quiet knock. Wonder who it is?
I get up walking to the door playing with Alex's hair as I walk past him
I open the door to see, judging by how long I'd known him, a very vulnerable laf.
"Hi John." He says quietly
"Hi laf, you seem upset what's wrong?" I ask seeing the frown on his face
"Can we talk?" His eyes start to well up
"Yeah come in" I say stepping to the side
He quickly waves at Alex before heading into my room
"Is He ok? Alex asks I shrug and he nods back
I walk into my room to see laf Crying hard, I close the door and hug him tightly
"Laf what's wrong, is everything ok with Herc?" I say rubbing calming circles into his back
"Yeah Herc and I are fine" he sobs "I needed to talk to someone about this......John I'm, im slipping into my old ways, bad habits" He says trying to dry his eyes
I knew what he meant immediately so I grabbed his wrist pulling up His sleave, nothing new
"No john, so many times I've tried to cut but I just couldn't, I mean, I've been thinking about stuff, and I've been getting messages again, I don't know who they're from!" He says handing me his phone which was already open on the chat
The messages
Unknown- hey faggot, you're a worthless piece of shit that needs to die, your just a burden for everyone, especially your boyfriend!

Unknown- don't ignore me gay boy, or should I say girl? Your such a slut, just take a swan dive of the dorm building, maybe you'll make your boyfriend happier!

Unknown- if you keep ignoring me this will get physical, this is just the start
End of that section of messages

I cry a little and he cries to
"I...I had no idea" I say with my hand over my mouth
"Look I have to go John, Herc will be getting worried..." he gets up takes his phone and leaves
I walk out after around five minutes and tell Alex who Takes  out his phone and texts Herc

You thought that was over, you thought wrong, get ready coz it's gonna get real depressing 😀

(615 words)

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