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DISCLAIMER this chapter contains themes of abuse, strong language and self hate that may upset viewers

Hercs p.o.v

mid way through laff telling his story about John Alex walked in and only heard "he carved the word faggot in his arm" Alex was confused
"Who's arm?" He said scaring laff who had his back to Alex
"Johns......his father did it to Johns arm" Alex's jaw fell and a tear rolled down his cheek
"Can you tell me more about his childhood?" Alex said wiping his tear away
"Well, I suppose." Laff said Alex sat down on the floor
"Well, when we were very little, 5-6 years old we all used to hang out, Well when Johns dad found out he was gay, he came out when he was 10, his dad stopped letting him talk to us! He was only aloud to leave the house for school, his father told him he was ugly, worthless, fat which by the age of 13 turned him bulimic, his way of self harming as to take a bobble or a plastic band and flick it against his wrist."
Alex had his hand over his mouth with tears now soaking his cheeks
"Ok Alex, johns life gets worse from there, but let's lighten the mood what did you come over for?" I said
Alex simply nodded
"Well John is coming home tomorrow I was wondering if you would help me decorate..... your tall and I'm small." Alex said I nodded
"Sure mon ami." Laff said standing
We decorated the house and went home
(The next morning)
We woke up, it being a weekend so everyone went to Alex's dorm
Alex's p.o.v

I drove to the hospital picked John up and drove back, he looked happy again!
We pulled up to the college and I took him to my room we walked in and "SUPRISE!" Everyone shouted John simply giggled
"Look even Thomas and James made the effort." He giggled some more
"Well, is there any cake.... coz I'm hungry!" John said causing Peggy to come running out with the cake and fall face first into its deliciousness
"Not anymore...." she said whipping it from her eyes "sorry.. I'll go get more!"
"NO,no Peggy I've got it now come on." Maria said pulling Peggy by her hand
And so the party began people were drinking and the night went great from there
A while later it was now at least 1:30am
Everyone had gone and the only sober ones were me and John after cleaning up and getting in bed I decided to ask him about the scar
"John, you don't have to but could you show me your...scar?"
"Which one?" He said his smile deteriorating
"The one on your arm?" I said quietly
"Oh, that one." He said pulling up His sleeve to the top of his arm
"John.....I...." I stuttered
"It's happened now Alex just let it be"
He said getting in bed
"John just one more thing? How long were you bulimic for?" I said causing John to start crying
"A...Alex I....s..started when I was 13 and it ended when I graduated from high school at........16" he said getting quieter by the end
"Three years, who stopped you?" 
"Laffayette......." He said wiping away his tears and forcing a smile
"Now get in bed because I need cuddles." He said giggling
I got in bed wrapping my arms around John he snuggled into my chest
"God I've missed your cuteness and your cuddles" I smiled

Hey guys what's up so this is gonna get very anxty from here but to lighten the mood there's gonna be a camping trip suggested to me by

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