The hospital

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Peggy's p.o.v

If I'm honest I don't want to be in the same room as them, how dare she do such a horrible thing
"Peggy why did you try to attack Eliza?" Alex questioned curiously
"OH I DON'T KNOW LETS  SEE SHE STILL BLAMES ME FOR OUR MOTHERS DEATH! SHE ACTUALLY HATES ME! AND ELIZABETH WOULD HAPPILY TRADE ME FOR MUM!" I spit the word Elizabeth knowing it was the last daughter mum got the chance to love

"That's not what happened, you and Maria came over then you went for me and I did nothing!" Eliza lied
"Oh so THATS how you wanna be? Shall we call Herc and ask him, or maybe Thomas, James, laff or even Maria?"
"Yeah sure !"
I called each one and they all said the same thing 'Eliza whispered under her breath that it was Peggy's fault'

Angelica and Eliza were both regretting saying anything
"I'm not going back to being AND PEGGY because I'm more than the tag know all my life my own SISTERS have told me I'm not good enough, to be an actress, a singer, a dancer and for a while I've been drawing and taking photos! I'm going to be a photographer and artist and get further than BOTH of you!" I said tears rolling down my face
Everyone stared shocked at my sudden out burst Eliza was laughing
"What's so funny Elizabeth?" I spat

Alex's p.o.v

In the short time I've known Peggy I've known it's not like her to use full names she even calls me lex or lexi
Why is Eliza laughing
"Awe Peggy that was great acting well done now it's my turn! Yeah you've had it tough, but we BOTH lost a mother and yes I do blame you because she died giving birth to you!" Eliza snapped

"Oh you think that's not hard on me to? You think that you blaming me is gonna help me, my own sisters hate me!" Peggy cried
"Yes and you know it!"
Johns p.o.v

"Out!" I said quietly
"Everyone except the sisters out!"
Peggy picked up her stuff
"Blood related sisters!" She dropped her stuff
"I don't care what happened in the past Elizabeth Schuyler you need to learn manners, Angelica Schuyler you need to shut Eliza up and margarita, Peggy Schuyler it was NOT your fault!" I said kindly
"I'm coming back soon and I want it sorted
The three walked out

3rd person p.o.v

Eliza and Angelica both smiled and turned to Peggy to say something but Peggy put her hand up
"No!" She said before walking out leaving everyone a little offended

hope you enjoyed and I'll update soon buh bye

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