Its my problem

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Laffs P.O.V

The next morning was......stressful!
I woke up only to see that i was late for class! And so was Herc!
"Herc?" I said shaking him causing him to jault out of bed
"We're LATE!" He sprung out of bed and got dressed quickly as did I
We ran to the class room and barged the door open causing everyone to look at us
"Laffayette! Hercules! Take your seats! would be nice!" The teacher barks
I head to my seat as does Herc I sit in the back near Alex and Herc sits up front with john
Alex is sat down wearing a long sleeve t-shirt oh god, he never wears long sleeved t-shirts
And his neck line is low showing the purple bruise and rope burn around his neck
"Hey Alex" I whisper Alex just acknowledges my presence and starts scribbling on a peace of paper eventually passing it to me
It reads
Hi laff cant talk lost my voice 😊 with a poorly drawn smiley face
I write under neath Alex's note
Oh cause know what?😖
End of note
I pass it back to Alex who nods after he reads it

At the end of the lesson Alex rushes out of the room and heads across the campus I run after him and place a  caring hand on his shoulder and grabbing his wrist causing him to Yelp in pain
"Laffayette let go!" He says trying to pull his wrist away
"Alex talk to me." I say loosening my grip slightly
"Fine, in private!" He says pulling me to one side
"Look, this isn't new! I've done this before!" He bursts out in tears "I just can't cope with it, I don't know how!" He says pulling me into a hug
"I know, I know!" I say rubbing calm and friendly circles into his back

Hercs P.O.V

Me and John walk out of class and Alex pulls laff to one side I wonder what that's about
"Hey Herc, I really am sorry about the other night, I was drunk! It didn't mean anything!" John says I can see in his face he feels genuinely guilty
"It's fine John, I know what you and laff are like when you're both drunk, your VERY flirtatious!" I say with a reassuring chuckle

Hey,this chapter will be carried on tomorrow

(400 words)

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