Stay away

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Hey guys this is a DISCLAIMER this chapter contains themes of eating disorder that may distress some people

Thomas' p.o.v
Still on the phone
"That doesn't matter!" I say before hanging up
End of call

If I'm honest, it really matters! I'm such a fat pig that I HAVE to fix it

I sit for a while until there is a knock at the door
Oh god please say it's not James
I answer to be faced with an angry laff
"You hung up!?" He said sounding offended
"That's not like you!" He says barging past
"Laff you shouldn't be here!" I say Running my hands through my hair
"Why not?" He says becoming angry
"That's NONE of your business!" I say walking towards the door
"Well I know when I'm not wanted!" Laff says leaving
"It's not that your not wanted, it's that if you're here I'm not wanted!" I say before closing the door I hear him and Alex walk down the hall
God I'm hungry! No if I eat I'll stay fat
"What if I eat then throw up?" I think out loud
I go and make toast before heading to the bathroom and sticking my finger down my throat and throwing it back up
"See this way you will lose weight"I convince myself
Laffy taffy: tommy? You there?
Tommy:yeah why?
Laffy taffy: where's James?
Tommy: class why?
Laffy taffy: I need to text him! Bye
End of texting
Laffs p.o.v

Laffy taffy: hey James?
Jemmy James: what's up?
Laffy taffy: you and Thomas should come for a meal with everyone later
Jemmy James: ok sure
End of texting

** later that night....yes I'm STILL lazy don't you JUDGE ME!**

Thomas' p.o.v

After I had gotten ready and we were heading out the door James pulls me to one side
"If you say anything about this," He slaps me "you'll regret it!" He says before pushing me out of the door
**at the restaurant**
We're the last to arrive and as we take our seats James acts like nothing is happening! Laff notices I'm not like how I usually am
The happy, giggly and confident person I usually am and he pipes up
"Thomas is something the matter?" He questions James kicks my under the table
"Nope, I'm fine!" I lie,
I can feel tears forming in my eyes
"I'll be right back! If the waitress comes order me salad!" I say before walking away and heading to the bathroom
As I get tissue to wipe away my tears laff walks in
"Tommy what's the matter?" He says sounding concerned

Hey guys I have to stop there I was falling asleep writing it sooooo....... night! Or if you're reading this in the morning, mornings!
Or if you're reading it in the afternoon then good afternoon or good day!
(506 words)
Hey one more thing if you're dealing with an eating disorder then call this number for help and advice
And/ or seek help from family and friends

Lams and mulletteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang