Camping trip part two

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Alex's p.o.v
"Let me go" I squirmed Crying
"Oh no mr.....Well I didn't catch your name" he said sounding rather psycho
"I didn't throw it!" I said as he laughed
"I guess this is where I decide if you should live or die huh?"
"Don't kill me please" I said sarcastically
"I'm gonna spare you because your funny"
With a knife he slashed my arm
"But John is mine!" He said before running away
I pulled out my phone sending John my location and lying on the ground
"ALEX? ALEX WHERE ARE YOU?" John shouted desperately
"IM HERE JOHN" I shouted standing
"Shit your arm!" He said walking towards me we walked back to where everyone was sat worried
"Hey guys I'm not dead!" I said everyone was relieved
We all went to sleep and the next morning was chill the weekend passed and we were back in school

Sorry it was so short I have to go

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