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Time skip three week alex and john haven't spoken since that night

Alex's pov

Silence, sometimes it's bliss other times it's painful
John and I had both woken up because we both had classes
We still weren't speaking
"John" I said he looked at me
"We're you serious about the other week?" I said tears brimming in my eyes threatening to fall
He nodded and that was it, a simple nod
Tears warmed my cheeks
Johns pov
No, I'm not suffering from bulimia again but that's not the point
Im done with him
I hear him try to silence his sobs and my heart breaks a little
"Alright I'm off to class" he said whipping his eyes and leaving
He left me a note.....
I'm sorry John and I understand, please don't fall out with everyone else.....they had nothing to do with it
End of note
Laffs pov
Why is Alex taking the blame for me, losing his boyfriend.....I feel so bad
I spotted Alex and waved saying his name
He looked at me and looked away as he carried on walking
"John was serious I texted him last night" Herc said sadly

No no no no no no no I'm the reason my friends relationship is crumbling John approaches the classroom "Hi laff!" He said surprisingly happy "Why are you happy, shouldn't you hate me?" He laughed "I was but Alex thought about everyone else, as usu...

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No no no no no no no
I'm the reason my friends relationship is crumbling
John approaches the classroom
"Hi laff!" He said surprisingly happy
"Why are you happy, shouldn't you hate me?" He laughed
"I was but Alex thought about everyone else, as usual!" He said passing me the note
(Time skip brought to you by Alex's selflessness)

Alex's pov
I was sat on the sofa in my dorm when John laff Herc the sisters Maria Thomas and James walked in
I stayed quiet not wanting to make John uncomfortable
"Guys! I wanted to tell you I'm not bulimic or anorexic!" John said that reliefs some stress
They chat and talk some try to talk to me but I give them one word answers and slip away into  my room
Opening a draw and grabbing a box
I open the box to look at the tickets I was gonna give John for our anniversary but.......
I put it away before lying on my bed
"Alex?" A voice said surprisingly it was John
"Y....Yeah?" I said my stutter prominent
"You can talk to them they are your friends to!" He said
"No I'm fine thanks" I said he left
I looked at my wrists
No I don't need you, I'll do this, I'll get through this
I sat in silence this silence was neither bliss nor painful it was plain
I sat up to go grab coffee but when I entered everyone went silent
"Come to join us?" Peggy smiled
"N...No peggs sorry!" I said walking to the kitchen and turning on the coffee machine
"Alex I will take the blame you know!"
"No laff, it's fine plus he's closer to you than me!" I said causing silence
I poured my coffee and went back through the living room to get to my room
"Please sit with us Alex!" This time it was Maria
"Look, you are all closer to John than you are to me! So in order to make John happy I'm excluding myself"
I went to my room and sat there for a while looking through pictures before I started singing quietly
3rd person pov

Play the song above! Long intro)

"How can I say this without breaking
How can I say this without taking over
How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone

I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell
Yeah it hurts like hell"

Everyone could hear Alex and were practically in tears even Thomas

"I don't want them to know the secrets
I don't want them to know the way I loved you
I don't think they'd understand it, no
I don't think they would accept me, no

I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell
Yeah it hurts like hell

Dreams fight with machines
Inside my head like adversaries
Come wrestle me free
Clean from the war
Your heart fits like a key
Into the lock on the wall
I turn it over, I turn it over
But I can't escape
I turn it over, I turn it over

I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell"

They all made their way to his room
"You have a beautiful voice..." John said making Alex jump and fall off the bed leaving the box
Laff picked it up and quilt overwhelmed him
"That's it, John Alex wasn't the one who invited everyone was me!" John stood shocked
"You mean to tell me, that your the one who embarrassed me, but let me break up with my boyfriend and cry myself to sleep for three week" John said angrily
Laff looked down
"John I'm I'm sorry" he said John rolled his eyes and hugged him
"Alex I, I'm so sorry, happy anniversary" John said hoping to get a smile at the least
Alex wrapped his arms around John and whispered in his ear happy anniversary

Hi thanks for reading, ok so I'm feeling generous so I will give a shout out to ten people in my next chapter and it's first come first served
1: must be writing a Hamilton fanfic (any kind)
2: well any kind except Eliza x Angelica or any Schuyler on Schuyler I refuse to do!!!!!!!!!!!! Coz it's discussing
(Its really a ship 🤮🤮🤮🤮)

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