Loosing weight

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Alex's pov

I walked out onto the campus and I had johns arm wrapped around me he stopped walking and so did I

Johns pov

"John what's wrong?" Alex asked me
"I feel dizzy" I said looking at Alex as my eyes fluttered closed

Alex's pov

John collapsed into my arms and I managed to call Herc and laff for assistance
We carried him to the nurse and she started to tend to his wounds

Johns pov

(Blackout/ dream/ idk)

I sat in my room, my old room....the one in my old house before college
I stared into the mirror looking at my stomach mostly
"Your so fat......you pig!" I told myself
And I wish i could say it's been a while since I thought like that......(switches to more recent past) I sat in the classroom king sat next to me
I felt a hand on my leg, nudging it off I carried on
There it was again
"Stop!",I said turning to Gordon and king who were both doing it
(End of that) my eyes opened and I stared at the ceiling, I could feel a hand holding my own
"John your ok?" Alex questioned
"Mhm" I hummed in agreement
(Time skip brought to you by johns adorable freckles)

Alex pov
We got back to the dorm and John was sat on my lap
I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist
"John you've lost weight...." I said my frown deteriorating knowing of his past
"O-Oh....I am?" He sounded nervous
"I should go to bed,night." He said getting up and leaving
I sat there procrastinating and worrying about John so I decided to text laff and he came over
"So what happened?" He said his accent seems to be thicker when he's angry, worried or stressed
I decided to talk in French so John couldn't tell what we were talking about
"alors quand nous sommes revenus ici, je mets mes mains autour de la taille de johns" i said sparking laff interest
(Translations: so when we got back here i put my hands around johns waist)
"OK et...." he said quietly
(Translations: ok and"
"il perd du poids" I said sadly
(Translations: he's loosing weight)
"WHAT?" Laff shouted
"Shhhhhh, he's sleeping!" I said quietly
Laff was angry, he called Herc and everyone over......not thinking
"John get you lazy ass out here!" Angelica shouted as she heard what was happening
"What....." he asked from the doorway
"John, have you been making yourself throw up again.....to lose weight?" Laff said loud enough for everyone to hear
"W...what....laff....wh...why? I.....I" He said shocked
" John  answer me" he said angrily
"Marquis de laffayette.....how DARE you show up here trying to embarrass me?" He snapped
"It's not his fault John it's mine" I said thinking John wouldn't do anything irrational
"So it was YOU was it?" He looked so scared but angry "IM DONE WITH YOUR BULL SHIT! WERE THROUGH!" He screamed at me before slamming his bedroom door and going to sleep
"I...I!" Laff started
"Out!" I said quietly
"What?" Angelica said not hearing me
"GET OUT NOW!" I screamed
They left slowly all except Peggy who stood her ground
"Alex....do you need a hug?" She said opening her arms
I walked towards her and nodded, she wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her shoulder
"It's ok" she repeated
Once I had calmed down she left and I went back to johns room
I knocked quietly
"Leave me alone Hamilton" he said it burned to hear him spit my last name
I did so going to my own Pom, we didn't talk for the rest of the night

Hey guys already starting the next chapter sooooo bye

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