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Laffs pov
"Guys, you didn't have to do this....." I say with a smile
"Shut up and open your presents!" John said throwing a box with wrapping paper on it
"Ok...ok!" I said sitting down and opening it
It was from John and he got me TICKETS TO HEATHERS! "We all have one as well" he added
Then I opened Alex's he got me a plushie of a baguette
Then I got a French flag from Angelica, a pan flag from Eliza and a flag that said "I'm on a quest to be depressed" from Peggy
Maria got me two Mac makeup sets
From Jefferson I got a plushie of a macaroon
From James I got a bag of biscuits (it's an inside joke)
And finally from mi amore I got tickets to wicked, my favourite musical

"Thank you all so much!" I say hugging each in turn
"Can't wait for heathers and wicked!" I say with a smile they giggle and the party begins
After around 30minutes the lights go off but as all my friends know I'm shit scared of the dark I feel Johns poofy hair and with him knowing I'm scared off he quickly lets me know he's there
Then out of no where candles start burning and I can kinda see everyone.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear laffy, happy birthday to you" they sing in unison
I smile, you see I've only actually been in America for a year, I came here the day after my birthday and I don't know the American customs,
"Awe Guys you didn't need to do this! Thank you so much!" I say with a smile
"Make a wish" Herc says placing the cake in front of me "then blow out your candles" He says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind
So many thoughts come through my mind
I wish to be with Herc for years to come
I blow out my candles and everyone cheers

Hey guys so I'm SO SO SO SO SO sorry that it's so short but I'll post more tomorrow I'm just really tired thanks for being so patient

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