She is mine

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Peggy's P.O.V

Me and John talked for a while until I had to back to my dorm and when I arrived Alex was just leaving Angelica was worried and Eliza was asleep Angelica noticed me and Hugged me straight away
"I'm sorry for shouting in your face before!" I say hugging back
"I'm sorry for kicking you out!" She responded sounding happy now She knew I was safe
"Oh look of corse Eliza is PRETENDING to be asleep because she knows what she did is wrong!"
Eliza looks up"DONT YOU THINK I FEEL BAD ENOUGH!" She gets up and storms in her room
"What the fuck was that outburst about!?" I question Angelica
"I don't know,but you need to get in bed you have classes in the morning!"
"Ok ok!"
**the next morning**

I got out of bed and got dressed and ready for class, I woke up early so I could do my makeup because today i was gonna ask Miria on a date! Once I had done my makeup I went into Angelicas room but she was already awake so I made my way to Eliza's room and stopped outside the door for a moment before entering
"Lizzy, get up!" I say keeping my cool
"DONT  you lizzy me!"
"You know what FUCK YOU I TRIED TO BE NICE AND I GET IT THROWN BACK IN MY FACE" I storm out and onto campus when I walk straight into Miria
"M....Miria!" I stutter as her long curly hair blows perfectly in the wind where as mine is in my face
"Sorry Peggy let me help you!" She says her voice sounding like hunny we both get on our knees and start to pick up my books when I put one hand on the ground and one on my temple as if to warn an oncoming headache
"My papers are everywhere!"
She puts her warm hands on my face and I feel my cheeks go a dark shade of crimson "awe Peggy your....blushing!"
"Yeah and your hot!" I mumble but she hears me and she blushes back
"W.....what? You think I'm hot?"
"Y.. yeah!"
We stand up and she hands me my book
"Well I should probably go before everyone sees you talking to an WHORE!" She says walking away but I grab her arm softly and spin her around "you are NOT a whore!" She kisses me and when she pulls away she runs off. I turn to head to class but Eliza is stood behind me with her hand over her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks
"Peggy,how could you!"
" HOW COULD I WHAT ELIZA, KISS THE GIRL I HAVE LOVED MY WHOLE LIFE AND THAT YOUR TRYING TO TAKE HUH!?" Laffayette and herc run up to us and Eliza tries to hit me but herc holds her back and I go for her but laff holds me back and take us to our classes
"Peggy chill what just happened!"laff said placing his hands on my shoulders
"Ask John,but I'm gonna kill that BITCH! She can't EVER let me be happy!"
"Calm down and get to your seat and DON'T leave until I come and get you from this class, ok?"

Thanks for reading this chapter there is one more part to it and then I got something special planned! But it's a surprise that I think you will LOVE!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I may not get one out tomorrow but I'll definitely get one out on Wednesday! Love you all
Later bye

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