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jimin and i have been spending so much time together alone, and with friends.

our bond has only gotten stronger.

i feel as if we had just met, yet it still feels like how it did before.


we are standing hand in hand at the moment.

the hairs on his head dancing in the wind.

my eyes focus on him, and then the sight in front of me.

i can finally see colour again.

it's not dull anymore.

the purples and oranges light up my eyes.

it makes everything i see ten times more beautiful.

i look down at him once more.

his eyes are shining bright while his mouth's agape.

he's the most precious thing to me.

he's better than jewels.

he's better than money.

he's better than my gucci collection.

he's better than all of those combined.

he's my everything.

i couldn't live without him.

i don't know how i did those three long years.

i want him to be mine.


so, let's make it happen.

"jimin..." i started, going down on one knee. "i love you so fucking much. i don't know how i lived without you for those three years. although it's only been around a year since i got you back, i feel like we were never apart. jiminie... without you... i can't function. the world went dark when you left me, but now, all i see is you. my bright and colorful world. so, jimbob... will you marry me?" i finished, opening the small box.

"t-taehyungie... of course.. i-i love you so m-much," he cried, as i slipped on his ring, which had 95 engraved into it.

i stood back up, looking down at my soon to be husband.

"i love you, tiger," he cried.

"i love you more, min," i smiled.

he looked up at me while i looked slightly down at him, and we shared a kiss.

i took my hand in his, he quickly intertwined our fingers.

we stood in front of the sunset, as it was almost set.

the sun beamed it's last beam.

as jimin got more passionate.

"jimin, thank you," i whispered.

"for what?" he asked.

"for loving me like i love you."

not last part

next part will be the last one

hehe so excited

i can't wait to focus on my others

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