First Tag!

245 22 39

Do i like someone? - No

Do they like me? - n/a

Middle Name - it's a name of a city in italy?

Single or taken? - Single

Last person i texted - Dongseang

Last song i listened to - Truth Untold

Battery percentage - 77%

Favorite OTP - JIKOOK

Girl Bestfriend - Sofia

Guy Bestfriend - Junior

Why you made your account?
So long story short - i used to watch BTS and Jikook oneshots and then a friend of mine recommended wattpad so that i can read them in so much details. So here i am. IM fucking thankfull to all jikook and overall writres in here bcuz reading just became my passion and my getaway option number one ^---^ thanks to these authors i have best daily lifes ever <3

Birthday - 01/02/1999

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Hate to tag!

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