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Regrets; ups & down

Sometimes life is really hard and unexplainable; we want to think we have everything under control but it's not always as we want. One minute  you're up high with the clouds surfing along in the wind, then the next minute you're flat on your ass on the ground mourning for the mistakes/things you have done wrong.
Everyone have those moments; though when people are at their bottom they start believing that there is nothing to be done.

it is a start for new perspectives.
The ones  that will take you to the top.

Everyone has their ups and downs, and I'm on the middle of mine but does that weaken me? No, it doesn't. Instead, it's making me wiser and aware of my mistakes. I know what to do next time to avoid certain things; the suffering and the success is making me stronger and happier.

So I regret nothing. Even if what happened in the past hurt, I still look back at it and smile because those things made me the person I am today, and guess what, I am happy the way I am; learning to accept and love the sound of my feet walking forwards while I dodge my past mistakes.

Life is short, live it.
Love is rare, grab it.
Anger is bad, dump it.
Fear is awful, face it.
Memories are sweet, cherish them.

Love your life and enjoy it.
You only get one, use it wisely. 

  ☁️ Fleeting 💭 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang