Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, a girl whom was a happy, jumpy and a shining soul lost all of her spark out of the sudden. Why you may ask?
Well, she herself doesn't know- it's funny right?
Conflicts. When I say conflicts I mean internal/mental ones.
Thoughts. Thoughts can be very damaging. But you know what could be the reason of those thoughts?
It could be the words that come out of your mouth and gets in the the mind of those whom damaging thoughts belongs to.
So be careful with what you say~
But at the same time, it could be the things you make yourself believe it's true.
If you tell yourself you are an idiot constantly; at some point you'll believe it's true. And this applies to every opinion you think of yourself.

I know that sometimes were the ones who takes our own decisions without seeking the help of others thinking it's the best decision were making for ourselves, however it can sometimes never be the case...

Anyways, my point is that I don't have one on this. It is as it is however you should beware of the battles going on in your mind. It's fudging dangerous.

(wow this was so depressing¿ I don't mean it to be though. Smile often and do positive thinking!)

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