Feels: Caught In The Moment

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You know the feeling where you want to talk to someone but you're in bad terms with them but you still miss the way they'd spoken to you in a way nobody else did and you just want to forget everything and start over because you're the type that values friendship and is always right but you leave your pride behind and dive in the pool of 'want' and 'miss you', the pool of neediness, because you don't want to talk to somebody else, you want them; you could talk to many other people and create the type of friendship you had with that one person and talk to them - it's easy as it sounds, but you don't want somebody else, you still want them because no matter how many people you talk to, it's still different. It's them you miss but it's wrong, you're in bad terms.
"You need to let go" I tell myself that, but who am I kidding, I won't let go easily. I'm stubborn am I not!?

Why did i suddenly feel this?


I feel better now that I've let go these built up feels of the moment. 😅

That Map is really making me wonder! 😂😂😂

  ☁️ Fleeting 💭 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin