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Love for thyself:
Loving yourself doesn't make you selfish. Instead, it guides you.
It makes you feel better about yourself, it makes you happy and therefore you're going to treat people nicely in comparison to when you're upset or angry you're just going to shout and act rudely around others.

Here's an insight of what knowing thyself and love thyself could mean.
It certainly doesn't mean you're selfish.

It sounds new-age, but you'd be surprised how many of us are running around completely ignoring ourselves. Our bodies need more sleep, yet we burn the midnight candle. We need a vacation, but we throw ourselves into more work and make more demands on our time. Worst of all, we crave to be loved unconditionally, and we couldn't be more critical of ourselves.

We sometimes are more laid back with other people and not ourselves. Ignoring ourselves, we bottle all the stress up on our shoulders, but still we care more for others.

As in my case, nobody is harder on me than me. It has been a long struggle of mine to extend myself the same grace that I give others.
So at one point of my life I came to a conclusion that I'd be my own best friend and stick to myself until the end.

What I'm getting at here is self-acceptance. Changing ourselves to the best starts with changing how we see and treat ourselves.

Am I selfish for feeling better about myself?
Is it wrong to have a positive mindset?

No. I don't think it is.

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." – Oscar Wilde

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