•Friend Zone•

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Passionate about psychology dating
Question: How do I know if a guy has friend-zoned me?

Answer: Guys perspective
Yes we have this power. This amazing super whopping power. With the wave of our hand you will be lifred up in the air, thrown in the corner as a big cage slams on top of you. You're friends see you screaming for help as you reach out your hands, pleading for them to get you out.

But they can't.

It's magical and guarded by Shadow Hunters.

You realise you are doomed. Yes, doomed forever and no one can save you from this enduring place called the..FREEEINND ZZZZZZZZOOOOOONE!


Yes, just by our eyebrows we can make your whole body tingle.

We can make ass wiggle.

We can make your tits dance.

We can control you with secret mind control techniques and drive you to the friendzone.

Now anyone who believes that is off their rocker.

Because...The friendzone...doesn't exist the way most think.

It exists only in your mind and in the behavior you demonstrate.

Girl likes guys.

Guy is not interested.

Guy doesn't care

Guy likes someone else.

Now, That ☝🏼 is seen as a friendzone.

But it's only the guy is not interested in that type or relationship. He probably just doesn't see a girl that way. He just wants to be friends and nothing more.

You see....

You can at anytime walk away.

You can think..

"Well, he doesn't like me. He''s not attracted to me. Stuff it. I'm walking away and focusing on some guy who is going to be attracted to me."

You can forget texting him, calling him, laugh at his crap jokes and stop hanging out with him like you're his pal.

You can distance yourself and date some other guy. You can show you is a datable girl and hot, sexy and you're too damn busy walking about like pals.

You can dress up fine and attract guys into you.

And walla!

The cage lifts up in the air.

The Shadow Hunters dissappear like magic.

And you are FREE from clutches and the cage of the...FRRRIIIIEND ZONE.

Ta Ta Taaaaaaaaaaaaa!

It's like guys. You know the nice guys. No not the nice guys who are nice and confident to approach a girl they like immediately - and if she says no, they like..

"Meh, no problem" and they walk off, don't give her time, attention, texting and no phoning, and no hanging out with her. They have the balls to walk away and approach someone else because they got self respect.

I'm talking the nice guys who like a girl.

For 3 years they don't say shit to her.

They pretend to be friends.

Just so they can get into her pants.

Oh they'll orbit around her, laugh at her shit jokes and if she does something annoying, they won't step up and have boundaries and say....

"Stop acting like a bitch. Jeeesh. You remind me of those bratty girls I don't like," and walks away.

No they won't. But they will supplicate, kiss her ass, hang out and hoping that one day...just one day...she might just fall for them.

But she doesn't.

Instead she dates someone else and walla.

Then this nice guy starts talking about how all badboys get the girls and how he did this, and that for her and how he was nice and still it wasn't enough.

She didn't even know he liked her until 1 year or two years, or 3 years. Some even 10 years. Yes, it happens.

The girl will grow and get married and still they are pining over her.

This is same with girls who go some crush on some guy.

You see that behavior.

You reverse it.

You have self respect.

You don't change for him really.

You change or do whatever for yourself.

Get out of the friendzone?

Meh. You just walk away and focus your attention on a guy who likes you for who you are, and date him.

Distance yourself from this guy.

Go and date someone else.

Do whatever and give your attention to someone who will love it, and who will want to so badly date you because you're hot, sexy, smart to him.

He won't want you to be his friend.

He will want you to be the girlfriend.

It's attraction.

This other guy just wants to be friends. Nothing else and nothing more.

Now if you want that great.

If not.....move on and find yourself a guy who wants you as his girlfriend.

Adam Taha

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