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It's bittersweet to reread our old conversations, the conversations where we had some disagreements and misunderstandings but there was some others -most of them- in which I still laugh at the banter and the silly one liners.

I can actually recall the thoughts that were going through my head at those exact moments in time (should I be who I really am with you - show you how clingy and needy I can be!?) — now that you know, you don't seem to mind it and I'm glad I didn't quit on what we could possibly have/be and made the first attempt to talk to you again.

This was my opinion about this. And that was your view on that. We rarely agreed, and yet, we somehow synced on another level. We somehow found comfort in one another, where a deeper understanding was solidified under the surface.

Right now, our connection remains, it's floating somewhere, but I'm not sure how to find it... I told you before didn't I — you should know them. It ain't easy... please remember and understand why I do and act the way I do!

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