Tag #2

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Queen_bibi1 Thanks For Tagging Sunny

13 facts about me:

1) I'm daddy's little girl

2) Mommy's little angel

3) Favourite way to pass time is by reading JIKOOK! You can tell from my reading lists and I also like to write indirect texts to people. They know who they are 😋

4) Favourite snack: Hmmm, Oreo? Pringles crisps? Blended ice frappes? Urgh I love everything that has to do with food.

5) I'm definitely a cat person; so be my kitty please.... wait, what? No, I meant Give me a cat please 😅 instead of a dog. Cats can snuggle and cuddle with you. I remember my cat when I was younger, when I once cried, she hugged me or patted me I don't know awwwww I miss her so much 💕

6) I'm totally scared of heights; I remember the day I went on my first rollercoaster 🎢 on a college trip MAN, N.O Nah ah, nononono I'm not going back there everrr, a friend of mine made me go with her and it was my first time DAMN what's gotten into me that day han???

7) The item I can't leave my house with is my Phone, headphones and my keys.

8) The very first book I remember reading until the end was The big friendly giant - love that story. I first read it when I was what, around 13, and I absolutely loveed itttt and guess how I felt when they've made the actual film for it in 2016? Wow! 👏🏼🙌🏼

9) My first cat's name was Lenny ❤️🙏🏼I can't remember what colour was she anymore 😟 maybe white with little black spots??? Imma try and look for the pic.

10) I think my best physical feature is my hip! 👌🏼✌🏼

11) Biggest accomplishment so far was being able to be accepted in the university I've wanted to.

12) Best holiday so far was my trip to Ibiza with my cousin and my sister.

13) best childhood memory - This is long I'll try and make it short the best I can:

When I was just around 7-8 years old, I remember I left primary school one day but my driver hadn't arrived since I went to a private school and it was really far so my dad had hired a driver (not only for me because I have other 6 siblings but we were all in different schools) and I was waiting outside, however he hadn't arrived still, around that time I didn't have any cell phones or anything so I couldn't contact them. Since I didn't know what to do I've decided to walk home (1hr 30 min walk I think?). I can't remember if I was scared or not; I was really conflicted because I knew my auntie lived nearby but I didn't want to go because that auntie has only sons (4) and I knew my mom wouldn't think nicely about it so I just decided to go home. I don't know how I had the courage to do so; people knew everyone around the area and ever since I was little they'd always tell me I had the body of a lady but face of a baby 😂 so I had to be careful of molesters. The driver always used the same road the same for mom when she'd take me to school sometimes when dads driver couldn't (my parents split up when I was still a baby) I'm really good with directions now but I don't even know how I could've done it when I was just 7 years old 🤔 so half way - wait not even half way, I think it was just 15 minutes away from home, I saw my driver passing by on his way to pick me up, but guess what I did? I just turned around, hid myself from him and waited for him to pass by me before I start walking home again 🤦🏼‍♀️ {why did I do that?} I think I was scared they were gonna yell at me or something.

So when I was home, mom wasn't there, sis wasn't there nor my brother was there, only the maid my mom had recently hired (mom only have 3 child - me, older brother, older sister while dad has me, 2older brothers, 2 older sisters and a little sister). I remember I went to bed out of fear of when she'd come home, I do that a lot - when I'm scared I go to sleep.

This is a good memory for me because, when they woke me up, instead of shouting and hit me or something, she showered me with love, yogurts and foods, cereals and so much more... I know there are more but I really just remember the yogurt (yogurte grego) that's what it was called it was my favourite thing back then I guess?

Now that I remember all these details my heart just warms up and I get to remember what mom did for me ❤️ love her. Love you. Wish I'd tell you that more often now.

It's up to you guys if you want to do it❤️

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