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People don't just change from a day to another. In this case - from night to morning.
According to Harvard's Research, people resist change because:
1) loss of control — this will make you lose control of yourself and how you are

2) excess uncertainty — this one because you'll lose who you really are and people won't know you the same way anymore and it messes the fuck out of their mind

3) everything will be different — again your friends will distance themselves from you because that's not who they met...

4) loss of face — people who you were surrounded by in the past will be on alert — you're not what you used to be...

5) more work — seriously who likes to work. You'll have to built up a whole new personality 🙄

Maybe you're (I'm) trying to change but you're still the same. It takes long ass time to change.
I wasn't caught in lie - I've just given myself in because I'm a weak ass potato when it comes to you and when you're fucking sad.

Even though we were just apart for a small amount of time!

  ☁️ Fleeting 💭 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora