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*Warning! Mentions of suicidal thoughts*

Two weeks on the project had passed. The end of the semester was approaching, making Evan worried about the final product. He had faith in Connor, he was just worried about the small details with the project.

It was a Monday night, Evan was working on his final slide for the project. He yawned, tiredly typing away at the keys as he watched the words form as he did so. This wasn't his idea of a Monday night, but it'd have to do.

He'd rather be doing research on trees and other wildlife, but he was stuck doing this. When it came to trees, Evan loved to dive into the Internet and gather information on them. In fact, he had his own notebook with the research he'd gathered.

"Just.. Take your time, and uh, it'll be over soon?" Evan face palmed at his own comment. He was trying to reassure himself that he could finish the final slide with time to do his tree research.

He stared at the computer, looking over small details and grammar mistakes that he could've missed. Then, he looked at the clock. It was almost ten at night. He was spending a lot longer than what he had hoped on this slide. 

Then, a notification showed showed itself to Evan. It was from Connor.

Evan was fairly confused; he didn't have his slide done just yet, and if he was, he would've sent Connor an email himself. Connor wasn't one to work ahead either, he liked to stay at the same pace as Evan, which honestly took a lot off of Evan's shoulders because of that. But, he shrugged those thoughts aside, and opened the email.

"Evan, can we talk about something? It's personal, but I need someone to talk to and who will actually take me seriously."

"H-he's trusting.. Me? With valuable, personal information?" Evan asked himself, gazing at the email in front of him. He took a breath, before typing a response.

"Connor, are you sure? I mean, we've only known each other for a week. I mean uh, I'll listen, if you want to, but I just want you to be sure."

"I'm sure. Just don't tell anyone or I'll have your ass, got it?"

"Got it. I'm listening."

Connor hesitated at what he was doing. Evan did have a point. Why was he trusting some guy he'd just met a week ago? He had no clue, but yet, with everything going on, between school and his own family, who he didn't think he could trust, he came to the conclusion that he had to tell someone. 

"I'm just not okay, if you get what I mean. I'm not happy, I just want to.. End my suffering. No one understands how I feel! I've tried reaching out to people, but it just doesn't work! Not even my own family understands.. I feel so alone, like I could fade away and no one would even care."

Connor sent the email after finishing the following paragraph. He sighed and rubbed his head, fearing the worst would happen. He still didn't know Evan too well, hence he was worried Evan would just make fun of him and tell him to suck it up or some crap like that.

But that wasn't how he responded. Not one bit on how he imaged it.

"Connor, I know how you feel.. I've been feeling the same way for so long... But you can't give up so easily. Someone will reach out to you and help you through it. Please trust me on that.."

Connor stared at the email in shock. He was kidding; he had to be kidding.


He didn't know how to respond, what to say, all he did was type this simple sentence.

"Thank you, Evan.."

Evan expected a more violent response, like denial or just something along with the terms angry. But it didn't matter, he helped and that was that mattered.

"You're welcome, Connor."

Connor smiled at the emails, before getting an idea. He wanted to thank Evan his way, and knew jut how to do so.

"Hey, you remember that old orchard I mentioned a while back? How about we go there tomorrow, after school?"

Evan was immediately excited at this request. A small part of him was worried about making conversation, but his happiness took over as he typed out his reply.

"Yes! I'd love to!"

"Awesome. I'll see then, Ev."

"Yeah, see ya then!"

Connor thought he couldn't smile more at the responses. Evan was a lot more different than he had previously thought. 

He actually had a friend.

One Thousand Emails (Treebros) {#Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now