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Evan was going up soon, as far as Connor could tell.

Connor sat in the front row of the auditorium with Jared and Zoe, a black box hiding in his back pocket. Heidi was there too, with her fiancé, Paul Heere, extremely happy for Evan. Connor had graduated college a week ago, who had majored in writing and minored in astronomy. Evan majored in Environmental Science and finished his classes with flying colors.

Heidi lifted up her camera, sneaking some photos of her son. Evan was coming up next to receive his diploma, so Connor took out his phone for a photo.

"Evan Hansen," the announcer said next, and Connor quickly got a couple of photos, as Evan went across the stage and off fairly quickly.

The rest of the ceremony was bland and boring, so once it was time to go, Connor texted Evan. He was going to wait by the bathrooms to wait out the traffic. Heidi said she was going to try to get out, despite knowing the conditions.

When Evan got there, he was wearing his normal outfit, a pink shirt, jeans, and a jean jacket. Heidi went over to him and hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you! You did it, you made it through college!" Heidi exclaimed, pulling away.

Paul put a hand on Evan's shoulder. "You did great, Evan, but this is only the start of an amazing journey." He smiled.

Evan smiled and pulled away, "Thanks guys.. I love you." He then turned to Connor, who was coming over to embrace Evan. He let go of his mom and hugged him.

"I love you so, so much.." Connor hugged him tightly, but he was smiling. Their relationship wasn't perfect and they had fights, but at the end of the day, they worked things out.

"Aw.. I love you too, Con," Evan hummed and rocked them both back and forth slowly, in general just happy. After a couple of moments, they pulled away.

"We're heading out. We'll see you at the bowling alley!" Heidi announced, taking Paul's hand and walked out of the building with him.

Evan grabbed Connor's hand and went to a bench, before the two sat together on it. There were some moments where they didn't need to talk, and rather they just wanted to relish in one another's presence. Slowly but surely, the building emptied, and the two got up and left. Together they went to the bowling alley and met Heidi and Paul there, who had already played a few rounds.

Evan dominated everyone there, even without bars, which somewhat impressed Connor. He still had a good time, though, buying a couple of sodas to enjoy while they played their games. Jared was out of the state, but Evan Skyped him and kept him updated on what they were doing.

Soon, they ended their game, and Connor planned to take Evan out for dinner. Heidi already knew Connor was going to propose, and she fully accepted them.

"Good luck," she told him, before adding, "He might cry, just so you know. He gets that from me."

"Thanks Heidi," Connor smiled, before looking back at his boyfriend, who was putting his regular shoes on. "I'll see you later."

The two went out to Applebee's for dinner, because it wasn't anything fancy and they had to keep a budget. Neither of them cared though, they were both just happy to be together.

"You want the cheese sticks as an appetizer?" Connor asked, looking up from his menu.

"It sounds good, but I don't know if I'll be able to finish my dinner," Evan stated, looking over at Connor.

"Ev, you just graduated! You deserve some spoils," Connor grinned at him.

Evan chuckled and smiled at him, "Fine, you've convinced me, but I'll probably need a box."

First, they ate the cheese sticks, and soon had their dinner. Connor had purchased a bacon cheeseburger while Evan was eating a chicken. In the back of his mind, Connor reminded himself of his intentions, and grew nervous once again. Evan seemed to notice, but Connor just shrugged him off and said it wasn't a big deal.

After they finished eating, Connor drove to the Orchard since it was close by, but he didn't tell Evan, as he wanted it to be a surprise. Evan ended up falling asleep during the car ride, which Connor thought was totally adorable. Soon, they arrived, and walked around for a bit.

"You know, I think this might be my favorite place to go with you," Evan looked up at him, clearly happily.

"Which is why I brought you here," Connor let go of his hand, and stood in front of him. He breathed in and said, "Evan, these last five years have been the best years of my life. You changed my life for the better, and because of you, I'm so much happier than I've ever been before. We've been through hell together, but we made it out on top. What I'm trying to say is.."

Connor stepped down on one knee, took out the box from his pocket, and said, "Mark Evan Hansen, will you marry me?"

Evan was crying, but they were good tears. If Heidi was right about one thing, it was that Hansen's were emotional. "Yes! Oh my god, yes!"

Connor smiled widely and slide the ring onto Evan's finger, before standing up and being hug tackled by Evan. Connor laughed as he held him close.

They would be alright.

A/N: Here it is! This is the ending I wanna go with, simply because it feels right to end this on their engagement. I finally finished a book, wow. I'm not gonna add any chapters or write any sequels because they simply wouldn't go anywhere story wise. Hopefully this story was decent, it is pretty old though heh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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