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Warning: Small mention of masturbation

"Dear Evan Hansen, we've been way too out of touch, things have been crazy, and it sucks that we don't talk that much.
But I should tell you that I think of you each night. I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight."

Delete, delete, delete.

"But I should tell you that I think of you each night. I mean, hanging with you is a huge delight!"


Connor sat on his bed, his laptop in his lap, as he pondered on what to type next. Maybe an update on his family situation..

"Ev, I gotta tell ya, without hearing from you from over a week has made my life 10x harder than it should be."


"-10x more rough than it should be. I love talking with you about random crap and stuff. As for more parents, I love my mom, but my dad.. As mentioned beforehand, he's still an ass. But maybe, like you keep saying, if I stop smoking things'll improve. It's sure as hell not easy, but we're both together on this. As long as I stay strong and try to improve myself, things might get better.

Connor Murphy.

This letter was far different than the two's normal format, and it was intended. It was a progressive letter, meaning that they recognize what's been getting better in their lives and tell the other person.

"Mom! Connor finished the milk! Again!" Zoe could be heard from the downstairs area. Connor simply rolled his eyes and stared at his computer screen.

Search: How to tell if someone of the same gender likes you

Connor clicked on one of the first links he saw. He felt guilty, not having anyone to talk to, but he didn't want to think he was anymore weird, so he kept it to himself.

Flirtation is a key sign that somebody likes you more than a friend. If you have a friend the same sex as you, you'll know that the activities of flirtation are much different than what you would do with just a regular friend or best friend. Normal friends don't tickle each other, wrestle, or feed each other things. Activities of flirtation often include physical contact of some sort. Flirtation is a key indicator that a person likes you beyond just friendship. So if they are flirting, this is a key first sign that you know they like you more than a friend.
Never rejecting you, a phone call, or event with you. This person will want to spend all the time they possibly can with you. Sure very important things can make exceptions to this rule, but in general they wish to spend hour upon hour with you. This time spent with you is another indicator that they really like you beyond friendship.
High interest put on your personal life, beliefs, family, & deep conversations. This person is trying to get to know you much deeper than just a normal friend may. Deep discussions on religion, children, life or philosophy. Things that wouldn't be discussed commonly with normal friends. Discussion about your family and/or an interest in your family as well.
Willingness to be there through times of sadness or trouble. To take time for you, and go the extra step to make you feel better. Yes, normal friends can do this as well, however, this will be accompanied with the person going the extra steps beyond what a friend would. They will be happy to help you and be there with open ears and arms at all times through your problems.
If all else fails, just ask them. Tell them its a normal thing for close friends of the opposite sex for something to exist beyond friendship. Just let them know that you are curious and just want to be honest with them. Be ready to answer the question back! Good Luck!

Connor skimmed through the article a few more times, before seeing Evan had sent him an email back.

"Connor, firstly I loved the email you sent! Sorry for being so out of reach this past week, my laptop had to be sent in cause it was having some issues. While my laptop was gone, I've been asking myself some serious questions, ever since the whole "ice cream incident" I can't help but feel so frustrated about my sexuality. I was hoping you could help me figure mine out, but of course if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine."

"Sure Ev, let's start off simple. Do you think you're sexually attracted to girls?"

A few minutes passed before Evan replied. He probably had to think about it to be sure.

"Well I mean, yeah, but I'm not all for having a relationship being completely about sex."

"Understandable. Now, how do you feel about guys? Are you sexually attracted to the them?"

"As guilty as it sounds, we've definitely got our fair share of hot guys. Gym class doesn't really help. I find myself often staring at guys who are changing and I feel so embarrassed about it, but I don't know why."

"Finally, do you think you have free range over who you can date? (And I mean literally anyone. With bisexuality you may like someone who's a guy/girl, but they might be trans for instance.)

"I don't know? I don't know any as far as I know of. I think I'm attracted  to just guys/girls."

"Well Ev, you're bisexual then. And don't worry, it's perfectly normal. Forget about what those homophobes said about us, they just can't accept change. There's nothing wrong with being this way and you have my support."

"Thanks Connor. I kinda feel better after talking about this."

"No prob. Now, I want a full page essay on all the cute/hot guys you've seen this week."

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