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Connor couldn't believe what he just saw. Evan had fallen, it seemed to had happen in slow motion to him. He reached his hand out to him, but he didn't take it.

He let go.

Was he too late? Did Evan loose his grip? Why? Why didn't he take his hand? That question rang through Connor's head, as he stared into space without even realizing it.

But he was suddenly pulled back into reality as he heard a loud thud. He looked down and saw Evan, his arms and legs spread out. He landed on his back.

Connor shook his head, muttering something about how he should stop staring and help Evan. He started to slowly make his way down the tree, but he made haste. He was scared, not a lot of people could say they scared Connor Murphy, but he was scared and worried at the same time. He was scared for Evan.

Evan just laid on the ground, not daring to move. His left arm was numb, he couldn't move it. He looked around; that wasn't supposed to happen.

He was supposed to be dead.
Why wasn't he dead?

Soon enough, Connor was down from the tree. He ran to Evan, panting hard. He got down on both knees and put his head on his chest.

There was still a heart beat.

He was still alive.

Connor moved away, and gazed at Evan, before saying, "E-Evan.. Does anything, hurt? Are you feeling any.. Numbness?"

Evan squinted, and mumbled, "Arm... L-left one.."

"Shit.. Shit! Alright, l-let's go to the hospital!" Connor put his arm around Evan's waist and helped him up, letting Evan support himself with his good arm.

Evan let out a large exhale, slightly opening his eyes, he started to walk with Connor to his car. He was slow, but Connor didn't mind that. Connor was just glad Evan was okay.

Dizzy. That's how Evan felt. Like he was about to fall over and pass out, his arm feeling as if someone jabbed hundreds of needles inside it, until he went numb. He wanted the pain to just stop, but it didn't. It was like a downwards spiral of disappointment and pain that never ended.

Evan snapped back into reality, watching Connor open the passenger door to his car. Funny, he couldn't remember walking there in the first place..

"Alright, step in nice and slow.." Connor helped Evan inside the car, eying his bad arm, making sure it wasn't hit.

Evan sat down and leaned back with a huff, as Connor pulled the seatbelt over him and clicked it together.

"C-Connor.." Evan panted. "Thank.. Thank you.."

Connor gazed at him, before saying, "O.. Of course.." Connor then shut the door and went around through the front, to the driver's seat.

He jumped in and turned on the car, putting his seatbelt on afterwards and put the car in reverse. He backed out and started to drive to the hospital.

Evan shut his eyes, taking deep breaths as he gazed at the road. He was scared, and tired, and just wanted the pain to stop. He didn't care how it did, just that it would.

Connor noticed this, he turned on the radio and let it play, thinking it'd help him relax. He wasn't the best person to be with in this type of situation, henceforth he didn't know what to do exactly.

The music helped Evan relax a bit, but not completely. It was a station that went by Z 10.9, that played classical music.

"Are you doing alright?" Connor asked, turning down the music a bit.

"I'm.. It s-still hurts..." Evan grumbled.

Connor let out a huff, "I'm so sorry this happened... If only I was fast enough.."

Evan frowned at him, saying, "But.. Y-you were still there.. And I'm glad you were.."

"But- Just look at your arm! It's most likely broken.." Connor gripped the steering wheel tightly as if his life depended on it.

"T-that wasn't your fault, though.. It was.. It was the branch! I just, lost my grip.. And fell.." Evan sighed, turning away and looking out the window.

"I guess.." Connor shrugged, before turning up the music once more, before any awkward tension could make it's way in.

A bit later, they had arrived at the hospital. Connor stopped and parked the car, before taking out the keys and getting out.

Evan undid his seatbelt and sat up, as Connor went to his side and opened the door. He helped Evan out and to the entrance of the hospital.

"We're almost there, Ev.. Hold on a bit longer, okay?" Connor walked him inside and to the waiting room. He went to a woman at the check in counter.

"Evan? Is that you? I haven't seen you in ages! Wait.. What happened to your arm, sweetie?" The woman asked him.

"He broke his arm after falling out of a tree we climbed," Connor said quickly.

"Oh dear.. Someone get a wheelchair for this boy! We need to treat him at once!" The nurse called, followed by another nurse coming in with a wheelchair, and sitting Evan down in it.

"W-what can I do to help? Will he be okay?" Connor asked them.

"I'm sorry, but we need you to wait here," the nurse told him, as the other started to roll Evan away.

Connor huffed but nodded. He went and took a seat, waiting for Evan to return.

One Thousand Emails (Treebros) {#Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now